Written Archives

One aim of the project is to synthesise & compare the results from the science-based archaeological data with the information from medieval documents (maps and texts). We will contrast information gleaned from written documents regarding the structure of medieval transhumance. Within regional archives, documents relating to financial structures and contracts allow us to identify the nodes within medieval transhumance – i.e. the points of departure (flock/herd owners’ establishments/estates) and the points/zones of summer pasture. Research in the archives from the main towns in the study region is already being undertaken by Sylvain Burri and will be integrated into this project. A comparison of documentary and isotopic evidence will allow us to assess the extent to which isotopic methods can accurately identify transhumance patterns and thereby consider the level of confidence we can have when we employ isotopic data in the identification of transhumance regimes in earlier periods. Finally, any documentary evidence for the intensification and extension of pastoral activity will be compared with the palaeoenvironmental data with a view to assessing the reasons for environmental deterioration or resilience.