Application Process

NOTE: Application does not work in Safari browser, the best browser to use in Mozilla-Firefox

Students enroll as slots open, through our application process.

The application process includes:

1. Complete the online YMHS Student application

2. Parent-Guardian Complete Questionnaire

2. Stop by or call YMHS 970-945-9463 to set up an interview appointment

3. Interview with Faculty- Registrar

4. Visit the school and/or student shadow

5. Once accepted complete the Registration and Enrollment Agreement PRIOR to first day of attendance

Interested students should contact the TPP Advisors at 970-945-9463 x211, or our school Registrar at 970-945-9463 x100, to schedule a visit and interview. Referring organizations should contact the Registrar for a referral form. After interview, eligbilbe students are admittedly immediately. 

Students must be referred from their home school or the student's IEP team.  After referral, the home school and Rebound IEP teams meet to recommend placement. Please discuss with your student's Special Education teacher or your District Special education Director. Please contact our school Registrar at 970-945-9463 x100, or the Rebound School Social Worker if you need further assistance.