eLearn OSSD Requirement

In February, 2022, the Ministry of Education released Policy/Programme Memorandum 167 which details the new OSSD graduation goal of completing 2 eLEARN courses. It is recommended that all students currently in grade 9 and 10 complete 2 asynchronous eLearn credits unless a student, in consultation with their parents/guardians have chosen to “opt out” or are exempted in accordance with the processes described in the memorandum (PPM167). 

Please note that students currently in grade 10 (going into grade 11 next year) have been granted 1 eLearn credit by the Ministry of Education for the full year of remote learning experienced last year. This provision does not apply to the current grade 9 students (going into grade 10 next year) who will need to complete 2 asynchronous eLearn credits. 

Asynchronous eLearn refers to those credit courses that are delivered entirely online and do not require students to be physically present with one another or with their teacher in school except where they may be needed for exams and final evaluations. 

eLearn Opting Out While we encourage students to opt out of eLearn during course selection of their grade 11 year in order to keep all options to future programming and pathways open, unless a student, in consultation with their parents/guardians have chosen to “opt out” or are exempted in accordance with the processes described in the memorandum (PPM167). 

Please read the attached form, sign and return this form to your school guidance office to indicate you would like to "opt out" of this new eLEARN OSSD requirement

Click here to access more information! 

e-Learn Opt Out Form 2022 - J14.pdf

Is eLearning Right For You? Visit THIS link to get more information on if online, asynchronous learning is for you!!!