IB Fee Schedule

Grade 9 CCCHS Pre-IB Programme

$50 School Activity Fee PLUS

$150 Special IB Programme Fee due in January of Grade 8  

Grade 10 CCCHS Pre-IB Programme

$50 School Activity Fee PLUS

$350 Special IB Programme Fee due in February of Grade 9

Grade 11 (IB 1) Anticipated Year

$50 School Activity Fee PLUS

$1250 Special IB Programme Fee due in February of Grade 10

Grade 12 (IB 2) Diploma Year

$50 School Activity Fee PLUS

$1250 Special IB Programme Fee due in February of Grade 11

Instructions for paying the IB Fee

All payments are to be made using the SCHOOL DAY application. 

Please contact the IB Coordinator if you are unable to pay the fees using our School Day application. 


Fees defray cost such as: