Creativity Activity Service (CAS)

The Creativity Activity Service (CAS) requirement of the IB Programme takes seriously the importance of life outside the world of scholarship. It should challenge students to develop a value system by which personal growth is enhanced. CAS is an experiential learning programme involving students in new roles. The emphasis is on learning by doing new tasks that have real consequences (results/effects) and then reflecting on these experiences over time.



The Creativity component asks students to become actively involved in a creative activity. This could include creative thinking in the design and carrying out of a service project. This often involves participation in dance, music, theater, or art. Students must become active participants, not observers.


The Activity component includes participation in expeditions, individual and team sports, and physical activities outside the normal curriculum. Activity could also be incorporated as part of a service project.


Through Service students engage in projects and activities that are often the most transforming elements of the Diploma Programme. Service involves interaction, such as the building of links with individuals or groups in the community. The community may be the school, the local district, or it may exist on national and international levels. Service activities should not only involve doing things for others but also doing things with others and developing a real commitment with them. The relationship should therefore show respect for the dignity and respect of others.

Implementation of CAS

CAS-2022/2023 for website

Grade 10 CCCHS Pre-IB 

• In late spring of Grade 10 all students enrolled in the preparatory classes for IB will attend a general meeting to outline the aims and guidelines related to CAS.

• The CAS Coordinators and Mentors will be identified.

• Students will be reminded that CAS is a core element of the program providing an enriched and complementary set of learning activities.

During IB 1 (Grade 11) and IB 2 (Grade 12) 

• At a general meeting in September each student will receive a package consisting of the necessary information and forms to be used for tracking CAS.

• At regular intervals, meetings will be held individually with students and in small groups to review progress. Students will share ideas, concerns and the nature of their experiences.

• A record sheet of the students and their performance, mentors, groups, addresses and pertinent data will be kept.


Students will be required to write reflections about their CAS experience as part of their CAS documentation.

Documentation of CAS 

• All CAS activities for the IB Diploma need to be documented and signed by a supervising adult.

• The supervising adult should sign the tracking form after each activity.

• The form should go to the CAS Supervisor for recording purposes.

CAS and the 40 Hours of Community Service (OSSD Requirement)

CAS activities that are community service related and undertaken in IB 1 and IB 2 (Grades 11 and 12) can also count toward the 40 hours of community service that all students in Ontario must complete as part of their Ontario Secondary School Diploma requirements.