
History is a dynamic, contested, evidence-based discipline that involves an exciting engagement with the past. History is an exploratory subject that fosters a sense of inquiry. It is also an interpretive discipline, allowing opportunity for engagement with multiple perspectives and opinions. Studying history develops an understanding of the past, which leads to a deeper understanding of the nature of humans and of the world today.

The IB history course is a world history course based on a comparative, multi-perspective approach to history and focused around key historical concepts such as change, causation and significance. It involves the study of a variety of types of history, including political, economic, social and cultural, encouraging students to think historically and to develop historical skills. In this way, the course involves a challenging and demanding critical exploration of the past.

The IB history course requires students to study and compare examples from different regions of the world, helping to foster international mindedness. Relevant examples are explored with their students, helping to ensure that the course meets the students’ needs and interests regardless of their location or context.

Adapted from: (https://www.ibo.org/programmes/diploma-programme/curriculum/individuals-and-societies/history)


I. Course description and aims

The DP history course is a world history course based on a comparative and multi-perspective approach to history. It involves the study of a va-riety of types of history, including political, economic, social and cultural, and provides a balance of structure and flexibility.

The course emphasizes the importance of encouraging students to think historically and to develop historical skills as well as gaining factual knowledge. It puts a premium on developing the skills of critical think-ing, and on developing an understanding of multiple interpretations of history. In this way, the course involves a challenging and demanding critical exploration of the past. Teachers explicitly teach thinking and re-search skills such as comprehension, text analysis, transfer, and use of primary sources.

There are six key concepts that have particular prominence throughout the DP history course: change, continuity, causation, consequence, significance and perspectives.

The aims of the DP history course are to enable students to:

  • develop an understanding of, and continuing interest in, the past

  • encourage students to engage with multiple perspectives and to appreciate the complex nature of historical concepts, issues, events and developments

  • promote international-mindedness through the study of history from more than one region of the world

  • develop an understanding of history as a discipline and to develop historical consciousness including a sense of chronology and context, and an understanding of different historical perspectives

  • develop key historical skills, including engaging effectively with sources

  • increase students’ understanding of themselves and of contemporary society by encouraging reflection on the past.

III. Assessment Model

There are four assessment objectives for the DP history course. Having followed the course at standard level (SL), students will be expected to meet the following objectives.

Assessment objective 1: Knowledge and understanding

  • Demonstrate detailed, relevant and accurate historical knowledge.

  • Demonstrate understanding of historical concepts and context.

  • Demonstrate understanding of historical sources.

Assessment objective 2: Application and analysis

  • Formulate clear and coherent arguments.

  • Use relevant historical knowledge to effectively support analysis.

  • Analyse and interpret a variety of sources.

Assessment objective 3: Synthesis and evaluation

  • Integrate evidence and analysis to produce a coherent response.

  • Evaluate different perspectives on historical issues and events, and integrate this evaluation effectively into a response.

  • Evaluate sources as historical evidence, recognizing their value and limitations.

  • Synthesize information from a selection of relevant sources.

Assessment objective 4: Use and application of appropriate skills

  • Integrate evidence and analysis to produce a coherent response.

  • Evaluate different perspectives on historical issues and events, and integrate this evaluation effectively into a response.

  • Evaluate sources as historical evidence, recognizing their value and limitations.

  • Synthesize information from a selection of relevant sources.