My mobility journal
at IC Cadeo e Pontenure

Arriverderci, IC Cadeo e Pontenure

My job shadowing at IC Cadeo e Pontenure is finished.

It has been a great experience and we have learnt a lot about other ways of running a school and a library.  But what I'll remember the most is the kindness of Italian people,  always smiling; the "trilingual" conversations (un English, Italian and Spanish, even in French) and the incredible generosity of our referent in the school, Laurence Bellini, who kindly took us to do some sightseeing.

If I could leave a message as well as the pupils in prescholar school, I would send it to Laurence to say: "Arriverderci, ci vediamo! À bientôt!".

 Above, my colleagues Helena (on the right), Marina (on the middle) and I are sitting
in the bridge over the Parma River. Laurence Bellini is taking the photo.