The Academic Design Program (ADP) is a standards-based, integrated approach to learning. Using the Design-Based Learning methodology, English and social science are brought together as the students work through real-world problems in search of real-world solutions. Students will see the application of math, experience the history, and enhance reading, writing and communication skills to work towards developing 21st Century thinking proficiency.

Program Benefits

  • Meets A-G requirements (i.e., college or university prep)

  • Students in ADP maintain eligibility for athletics and co-curricular activities and share common lunch with the entire student body

  • Emphasis on hands-on activities, real-world problem-solving, interaction, and communication

  • A dedicated core of academic teachers for English and Social Studies; curriculum is set by the state and common core standards for all subjects

  • Small learning community--class sizes smaller than average

  • ADP classes are scheduled for up to three periods a day, allowing students to participate in a full selection of electives and other activities for the remainder of the school day

  • Chromebooks, desktop computers, and iPads using word processing, design, photo, movie, music

  • One, two, and three-year program participation options

  • Opportunity for involvement through ADP Council and classroom leadership


E-Mail our ADP GLC - Viviana Hoyos