Algebra 1

Spring Semester 2024

Block  2 - Algebra 1 with Mrs. Nelson and Mr. Demcher

Room: 116

Time: 9:25 AM - 10:53 AM

         Notes, lessons, assignments, and important course materials will be posted to Google Classroom daily. If you are absent, please review Google Classroom to find missed notes and assignments prior to emailing Mr. Demcher. 

Throughout the course, the following algebraic concepts will be addressed: interpreting and evaluating functions, linear equations and graphs, inequalities, systems of equations and inequalities, exponents and exponential functions, simplifying polynomial expressions, factoring polynomials, solving and graphic quadratics, and finding probability.  These topics will be covered throughout the ALEKS web-based program, as well as district-provided materials. 


Major Assessments (50%) - Tests, Projects

Minor Assessments (50%) - Homework, Classwork, Quizzes

For extra help, please see me before, during, or after class or through email:


Utilize resources such as videos, diagrams, and websites to help you! These will be posted on Google Classroom for you to look at if you are absent or need assistance with the topic.

What should I bring each day?

Charged Chromebook



Prior class notes/worksheets

Grading Policy

98-100 A+

95-97 A

92-94 A-

89-91 B+

86-88 B

83-85 B-

80-82 C+

77-79 C

74-76 C-

71-73 D+

68-79 D

65-67 D-

64-below F

Absent from class? 

If you are absent from class, you have 2 days to make up the assignment for each day you were absent. 

For example: If you are absent on a Monday, and you return to school on Tuesday. You will have Tuesday and Wednesday to make up the assignment for submission on Thursday. 

As a reminder, notes, assignments, and resources are posted on Google Classroom to review prior to returning to school. 

A1S Spring 2024