
Spring Semester 2024

Block  3 - Geometry w/ Mr. Waddleton

Room: 231

Time: 11:20 AM - 12:55 PM

         Notes, lessons, assignments, and important course materials will be posted to Google Classroom daily. If you are absent, please review Google Classroom to find missed notes and assignments prior to emailing Mr. Demcher. 

This digital curriculum contains material necessary for fostering students’ deductive and intuitive reasoning skills, creativity, and problem-solving strategies. A solid foundation will be provided for success in the NJSLA, SAT, and future mathematics courses. This curriculum addresses the New Jersey Student Learning Standards and was developed to turn students into problem solvers who master concepts, become fluent with procedures, and apply the principles they have learned to real-world situations. The use of technology to enhance topics is integrated throughout the program. Topics include transformations, congruence, lines, angles, triangles, quadrilaterals, coordinate proofs, similarity, trigonometry, circles, measurement, modeling, and probability.


Major Assessments (50%) - Tests, Projects

Minor Assessments (50%) - Homework, Classwork

For extra help, please see me before, during, or after class or through email:


Utilize resources such as videos, diagrams, and websites to help you! These will be posted on Google Classroom for you to look at if you are absent or need assistance with the topic.

Grading Policy

98-100 A+

95-97 A

92-94 A-

89-91 B+

86-88 B

83-85 B-

80-82 C+

77-79 C

74-76 C-

71-73 D+

68-79 D

65-67 D-

64-below F

Absent from class? 

If you are absent from class, you have 2 days to make up the assignment for each day you were absent. 

For example: If you are absent on a Monday, and you return to school on Tuesday. You will have Tuesday and Wednesday to make up the assignment for submission on Thursday. 

As a reminder, notes, assignments, and resources are posted on Google Classroom to review prior to returning to school.