Trout In the classroom


Stream Study 

Help us with a macroinvertebrate stream study! 

Macroinvertebrates are bioindicators that can give us an basic idea of the health of our rivers and streams. Join us at STEM Expo '24 and down and dirty as we sort through leaf samples to look for aquatic creatures and gather data about our local waterways. Learn about what our baby trout will eat once they are released into the wild this spring!

What is Trout In The Classroom? 

This year, all three Washington Township elementary schools took part in the TIC program, where students raised rainbow trout from eggs received back in the fall. Fifth-grade students have delved into understanding the components of a natural trout habitat and how we recreate that environment within our school-based tanks.

Every day, students take on the responsibility of feeding the trout and monitoring chemical levels to maintain a safe and healthy habitat. At the expo, we invite you to join us for a stream study, where we'll investigate the cleanliness of our local rivers and streams firsthand.