Windham Southwest SU E-Learning

Important Notes

Internet Access

We have been working hard to survey all families about home internet access. If you know of any of our families without reliable internet access who have not been contacted, please encourage them to reach out to their child's principal. We have a variety of short-term solution strategies in place.


Students are expected to participate in class activities each day and teachers will be monitoring this. If a student is unable to complete assignments the student and/or parent should contact the teacher(s). Students who are absent will be responsible for doing the required daily work on their own time as they would in any other situation in which they may have been absent from school.

Student Illness

If a child is sick and unable to complete e-Learning activities, parents should email the teacher to let them know.

Students will be responsible to make up the work when they are well, according to the usual expectations for grade and developmental level. However, we will all need to be flexible and understanding as we use e-Learning to address individual student needs.

Teacher Illness

If a teacher is sick or unable to be online, they will let students and/or parents know as soon as they can reasonably do so.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Scheduled elementary parent-teacher conferences are canceled during the school closure. Parent/guardians should reach out directly to teachers, as always, with any concerns.

Special Education Services

We understand that there may be unique challenges for students with disabilities and that this may be a stressful time for our families.

Your child’s special education team will work to provide access to the distance learning framework while supporting IEP goals and objectives.

For more information, please refer to this letter sent to parents/guardians of students receiving special education services.

English Language Learners

In addition to communication from classroom teachers, ELL Students will receive support through phone calls, Google Hangout Meet and supplemental reading/writing materials provided by their ELL teacher. The ELL teacher will follow up regularly with the children to check on their progress.

State Testing

All state assessments offer either extended testing windows over several weeks (e.g., Smarter Balanced, VT Science Assessment, VT Physical Education Assessment) or multiple testing dates that are at least two weeks apart (e.g., SAT). If in spite of this flexibility, state assessment administration in a district is hampered due to unavoidable school closures resulting from a COVID-19 outbreak, the VT State Agency of Education will explore solutions. Further updates from the state are expected.

Food Assistance

WSWSU schools are working to distribute food to help families experiencing hardship.

Outreach to families will begin March 17 to set up distribution plan, and food distribution begins March 19. We will provide the day's lunch and the next day's breakfast for each student that needs it.

More details will be posted by Wed. 3-18.


All athletic-related events are cancelled during the school dismissal and closure.

After-School and Before-School Activities

All school-related events are cancelled during the school dismissal and closure.