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WSHS Library Catalog

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Interlibrary Loan

If you're looking for a book that isn't in the WSHS Library collection, search for it in the public library catalog and request it via interlibrary loan. Or, send a request email to with the title and author.

Digital Media

With a Boston Public Library eCard, you can access thousands of free eBooks, audiobooks, comics, magazines, movies, TV shows, and more! 

Libby by OverDrive

eBooks, audiobooks, & magazines available for download to your computer or mobile device. To read on your tablet or phone, download the Libby app. 


Movies, TV shows, music, eBooks, and comics for streaming or download to mobile devices, with no waiting lists. 10 items per month. 


Enjoy unlimited access to thousands of digital comics, graphic novels, and manga without holds, wait lists, or monthly limits.

Flipster Digital Magazines

Explore, download, and read current magazine issues on your computer, tablet, or smartphone.


Full-color reproductions of U.S. and international newspapers and magazines from the last three months available via web or app.


biblio+ is a streaming service with a highly-curated selection of films and television, from award-winners and nominees to independent discoveries, thoughtful documentaries, and everything in between. With biblio+, library members have unlimited access to an ad-free catalog of video content on many devices. 


Kanopy includes acclaimed movies and documentaries on-demand from award-winning filmmakers. Browse the collection of over 30,000 documentaries, classic films, world cinema, popular movies and films for children of all ages. Each month BPL patrons receive 18 tickets. Depending on the length and viewing period of each title, movies in Kanopy will require between 0-5 tickets per viewing. You can see your remaining tickets for the month in the top-right corner of the homepage.


Access 60k+ titles (including O’Reilly books in early release), 30k+ hours of video, case studies, certification prep materials, interactive tutorials, expert playlists, audiobooks, and more from O’Reilly and nearly 200 other publishers including McGraw Hill, Taylor & Francis, HarperCollins, and Wiley. Topics include cloud computing, data engineering, data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, programming languages, software architecture, IT/Ops, security, design, business, and more.