Fiction Genres

Our fiction section is now genre-fied!

All fiction books are now grouped by genre, then shelved alphabetically by the author's last name. When looking through the shelves, you'll notice color-coded stickers on the spine of each book indicating the genre. To figure out the genre of a certain book, look up the title in our catalog or ask library staff for help.

To browse the collection, select one of the genres listed. Or, click the link below and scroll to the "Topics" section.

Action & Adventure

This genre usually involves the main character embarking on a journey and experiencing extreme conditions. Stories in this genre are fast-paced and exciting, and often involve elements of mystery, suspense, humor, or fantasy.


The classics are distinguished pieces of literature from the past and present. The characters and plot could involve any genre, but it’s the impact that the book or author has had on the literary world that makes it a classic.


Dystopian fiction is set in alternate worlds or futuristic societies. They focus on societal decline, hierarchy, and oppression. The main character will often attempt to rebel or change the system.


Fantasy involves imaginary worlds, magic, and superpowers. This genre does a lot of world building, detailing the language, society, and landscape of the setting in which the story exists.

Historical Fiction

Historical fiction transports readers into the past. War, political instability, and mystery are often part of the plot. Some historical fiction may seek to be historically accurate, but not always.


This genre features frightening themes and situations. Stories and characters are just as important as mood and atmosphere in horror novels. Stories like these often scare readers by exploring the unknown.


Mysteries are often concerned with the aftermath of a crime. An investigator, either professional or amateur, unearths clues to discover the perpetrator and bring justice to the victim. Mysteries are great for readers who love solving puzzles!

Realistic Fiction

This genre examines the lives of people living in the present, often dealing with a major conflict. This may involve relationships, family changes, bullying, or big life decisions. Characters are often searching for identity and acceptance.


In this genre, love stories are the central focus. These books often feature relationships that overcome a problem to have a happily ever after ending. Romance offers a range of settings, scenarios, and characters ranging from realistic to magical.

Science Fiction

Science fiction asks the question what if? Whether exploring the farthest reaches of outer space or the intricate workings of the human mind, this speculative genre challenges readers to envision the best or worst of all possible worlds.


Supernatural stories are all about paranormal events and beings. Characters may discover powers like telekinesis or extrasensory perception. These novels overlap with other genres such as fantasy, mystery, horror and romance.

Suspense & Thriller

The clock is ticking in these tense, heart-pumping tales. The protagonist often has a limited amount of time to solve the mystery, prevent the disaster, or save the world. This genre shares elements with action, adventure, mystery, and horror.