Robotics A & B

Robotics A (TEN601)

Semester Course

Robotics A will examine the process of designing, building and manufacturing in the engineering world. Through project-focused work, students will develop their understanding of the technical concepts that underlie the engineering design process, such as identifying the problem; researching the topics and questions raised by the problem; developing possible solutions through ideation and brainstorming; selecting the best solution; creating a prototype; testing the prototype and evaluating the design; communicating design details to colleagues and others; and redesigning as necessary. Students will participate in group and individual projects. Topics include mechanisms, electronics, manufacturing, construction, communications, power and energy, as well as developing a working definition of the term "robot." Toward the end of the course, students will integrate their learning into work with Lego Mindstorms robotics kits. At first, they will follow prescribed tutorials, but as their abilities and confidence grow they will begin to independently build, design, program and refine robots to accomplish specified tasks.

NOTE: Although programming concepts, such as process flowcharting, will be included, this is not a programming course.

Robotics B (TEN602)

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Robotics A

Semester Course

Robotics B will continue the work that was started in Robotics A, delving deeper into the concepts, processes and skills of engineering. Students will complete robotics projects of greater complexity, using Lego Mindstorms and other hardware such as robotics arms and tables. Additional programming interfaces, such as tablets and computers, may be used. Specific projects will be determined based on students' interests and academic needs, but may include integration of robotics with advanced manufacturing processes, such as 3D printing, and will emphasize practical applications.