Improv Club

Looking to dip your toes in the pool of improv? Maybe your friends would describe you as "quick witted"? Improv is the pinnacle of harnessing that talent and telling a story with it. You will be taught how to improvise, how to watch out for bad habits in scenes and especially how to have fun with your own quick thinking! Come discover the art of improv, at, well, improv club!

Sponsor:  Missy Gehrke


Meetings & club details

Meeting Dates:  Last Tuesday of every month. 

Meeting Time: Red Soar Time

Location:  Room 425

Membership Requirements: N/A

Membership Dues: N/A

Student Officers:  President: Alexander Theodore 

Upcoming Events: Meetings - 11/28 & 12/12

Want to learn more? Contact Mrs. Gehrke or Alexander Theodore for more information about club membership and activities!