Diversity Club

Diversity club aims to unify LHS students through cultural recognition, education, and celebration. Attend a meeting to better understand your peers, as well as their culture and heritage! 

Sponsor:  Elizabeth Tarrant-Oliphant

E-mail:  elizabethtarrant@wsdr4.org

Check Out Their Socials!

Instagram: @libertydiversityclub

Meetings & Club Details

Meeting Dates:  Once a month, on a Wednesday 

Meeting Times: 2:30-3:15 pm After School

Location:  Room 210

Membership Requirement: All are welcome! The only requirement is an open mind. 

Student Officers: President: Aicha Beye | Vice President of Communications: Clara Walker | Vice President of Media: Emily Nguyen | Vice President of Membership Charles Giraud

Google Classroom:  qbykfel 

Upcoming Events:  

Want to learn more? Contact Mrs. TO or Aicha Beye for more information about club membership and activities!