Future Career and Community Leaders of America(FCCLA) is a national organization promoting family and career awareness. Members develop skills for life through: character development, creative and critical thinking, interpersonal communication, practical knowledge, and career preparation. Students help develop and organize projects to benefit families, careers and communities. Open to all students grades 9-12. 

Co-sponsor:  Sandy Pizzo

E-mail:  sandypizzo@wsdr4.org

Co-sponsor:  Nicole McFadden

E-mail:  nicolemcfadden@wsdr4.org

Check Out Their Socials!

Twitter/X: @libertyfcclawsd

Meetings & Club Details

Meeting Dates: The second Friday of the month.

Meeting Time:  Red Lunch

Location:  Room 313 

Membership Requirements:  To join you must have been enrolled in a FACS class in high school.

Membership Dues:  $15 for membership; $15 for optional T-shirt 

Student Officers:  President: Kiersyn Roberson | Vice President: Sara Reth | Secretary: Emma Thomas | Treasurer: Kelsey Lynch | Officer: Page Quinn | Officer: Katelyn Larson

Google Classroom:  whgzdsj 

Upcoming Events:  Meetings - 12/8, 12/6(“Check in” Star event planning),12/13(“Check in” Star event planning)

Want to learn more? Contact Mrs. Pizzo, Mrs. McFadden, or Kiersyn Roberson for more information about club membership and activities!