The Bengal Beat

Beaumont Elementary School

Leslie Walsh, Principal

Misty Burns, Office Manager


Message from the Principal

Last Few Days of 22/23 School Year!

Leslie Walsh


Good morning!

This week we have full school days on Monday and Tuesday and our last day of school on Wednesday which is a half day. Please be patient as we also have our 5th grade clap out on Wednesday, so pick up will take a little bit longer than usual. 

Please make sure that ALL library books are returned. 

If your child has medication at the school, it needs to be picked up by a parent by June 14th. We can NOT send medication home with a student by law. After June 16th, medications left behind will be disposed of/tossed appropriately. 

Tuesday is the 5th Grade Car Parade! 5th graders and their driver will meet in the church parking lot at 5:30 PM. Decorating your car is highly encouraged! The Parade begins at 6:00 PM. We will have the car parade rain or shine so plan accordingly. 5th graders should wear their class t-shirts. Spectators and family will line up at Beaumont Elementary to cheer our 5th graders on as they drive thru Beaumont.

Wednesday, at 11:30 will be the the 5th grade clap out. Parents will line the sidewalks outside of the building and K-4th grade students will line the hallways. If inclement weather, we will have parents in the gym. After the clap out, we will dismiss school as normal.

Thank you to all of the families that have made this year so spectacular for our students and staff. It is an honor to have been a part of it! This has been such a fun and exciting year and I am so thankful for the experience! 


President: Sue Colenso

Vice-President: Sarah Ogg

Treasurer: Jasmine Meese-Brooks

Secretary: Open Position- If interested, reach out to Sue Colenso or to Beaumont front office 

Important Dates:

5th Grade Car Parade- June 13th

Last Day of School-June 14th

Car Pool Families: If you are dropping your student off from the outside lane, please do NOT let them out of the car without an adult there! It is dangerous to let students cross in front of vehicles that are not stopped and may not be paying attention. This is for the safety of your student. Please drive up to the adult and they will help students cross safely. 

All students should be aware of how they are getting home daily. We understand that sometimes things change. Please remember that all changes in dismissal routine must be communicated to the main office no later than 3:15 PM. (2:15 on Thursdays)so that we can assure the change is able to take place. On the rare occasion that a student needs to be picked up early, they must be signed out before 3:40 PM. After 3:40, all adults will be asked to wait outside for the student to exit using their regular dismissal routine. Thank you for understanding that safety is our first priority.

-Mrs. Walsh

End of the Year 5th Grade Activities 

We are so excited to celebrate this year's 5th grade class and their transition to middle school. Mark your calendars for these upcoming events:

June 13th- Car Parade

June 14th- Last Day (1/2 Day) 5th Grade Clap Out 11:30 AM- Parents will line up on the sidewalk outside

2023 WSD MS Summer Academy



Middle School Summer Academy Registration Form link:

Middle School Summer Academy Virtual Parent Meeting - Tuesday, June 6th, 7-8 pm Join Zoom Meeting:  Meeting ID: 884 8496 6831 Passcode: 7XJ1G5 


Enrollment must be done at Central Enrollment located in the Crary Administration Building on 501 N. Cass Lake Rd. Make sure to bring the following items to enroll:

Birth Certificate


Lease or Mortgage Statement

2 Current Utility Bills

Driver's License

Go to for more information

Does your child have a summer birthday? Junior Kindergarten may be an option for you. September 1st is the birthday cutoff for Kindergarten but you can apply for Junior Kindergarten if your child has a birthday between Sept. 1st and December 1st. Find out more information on our enrollment page.

Beaumont Students Receive Grant to Start a Garden

Hello Beaumont Families!

Last year, Beaumont received a grant to start our very own school garden. Woohoo!! This means SOON we will begin growing some herbs, fruits and vegetables, in hopes of having a lot of plants to add to our garden this spring. To grow these plants, we will be using the winter sowing method. This means we will plant our seeds in miniature greenhouses made from recycled plastic containers and then put them outside in the snow. Once the weather starts to warm up in the spring, the seeds will germinate at their own pace, just as in nature.

Thank you in advance for helping us to kick start our Beaumont garden!

Thank you for all of your donations! We no longer need donations- Our community is awesome!


Your Beaumont Staff

Second Step Information

Dear Families,

This month, our schoolwide theme is Feelings. We are working on identifying feelings, same and different feelings and showing compassion. In our morning announcements and school assembly, we’ll be reminding students of these skills, which help students be successful learners.


Second Step lessons teach skills for learning. You’ll be receiving Home Links describing why these skills are important and including fun activities to do with your child to practice them. We hope you enjoy them!


Please tell your child’s teacher if you’d like more suggestions about supporting skills for learning at home.


Copy of Waterford Attendance Success Program Logo.pdf
Copy of Waterford Success Program Fact Sheet (5).pdf

Chromebooks and 1:1 Information/Support

Be on the lookout for your student to arrive home with their school-issued chromebook. It is so important that they charge their device and bring back the next day. Depending on grade level and teacher will determine how often your student will bring the device home. Below are some helpful links to assist you.

Waterford School District Technology Support 


Student Chromebook Help Desk Line – 248-791-9127

·         We will have a team member ready for calls Monday – Friday until 6:00 pm through September 16, 2022 

·         After, September 16, 2022 we will evaluate and communicate the hours moving forward


Waterford School District Chromebook Student Handbook – English and Spanish

Chromebook Case Options for Dell Chromebook 3100:




Dell Laptop Cases on Amazon:



School Hour Times

Start Time: 8:45 AM (Doors open at 8:35 AM for drop off)

Full-Day Dismissal: 3:57 PM

Early-Release Thursday Dismissal- 2:57 PM

Half-Day Dismissal: 11:52 AM

Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

Remember to be patient and kind in the car pool line to staff and other parents. 


Car Riders:


Students will be marked tardy starting at 8:45 AM. If the carpool line is backed up, students will not be marked tardy until staff enters the building and close Doors #6 and #8. Tardy students will need to enter through the main office (Door #1) and will need to be signed in by a parent.





Car Pick Up:

Beaumont Staff


Amanda Elias

Diane Elton

Elise White

First Grade

Lisa Engel

Laura Hornbacher

Second Grade

Stephanie Isgrigg

Emma Lohmeier

Custodial Staff

Heather Madigan

Third Grade

Meagan McGrath

Tracy Reyburn

Erin Seeley

Fourth Grade

Alexis Dropps

Mary Robertoy

Fifth Grade

Jennifer Danaj

Mary Thorell


Joanne O'Rourke- Interventionist

Cheyanne Chandler- Reading Para

Student Support Services

Mary Krezel- Resource Room

Amber Love- Resource Room

Christine Kilbride- School Social Worker

Laura Henley- School Psychologist

Carolyn St. Johns- Speech

Morgan Cox-Speech

Donica Sapiano- Occupational Therapist

Steven Salminen- Physical Therapist

ELL Staff

Bonita Waun- ELL Teacher

Santos Perez- ELL Paraprofessional

Therapeutic Classroom

Cynda Molina- TC Teacher

Melinda Compau- Para

Brandy Werner-Para

Cody Storing- Para

Kelly Malbouef- Para

Angela Jackson-Para

Office Staff

Misty Burns- Office Manager

Julianne Klucka- Office Para

Lunch Staff

Cheryl Burt

Shannon Lloyd

Encore Teachers

Carla Milch- Spanish

Misty Sharp- Music

Cheryl Taylor- PE

Jessica Joannides- Art

Bonnie Pawloske- Library Tech

Building Subs

Jon Neubecker

Rosanna Hartman

LeAnn Vickery

Allergy and Plan of Care Forms

Lunch Menus

PTO News

PTO Board

PTO President- Angela Jackson

PTO Vice-President- Julianne Klucka

PTO Secretary- Jasmine Meese-Brooks

PTO Treasurer- Tamara Tombs

Important Dates

5th Grade Car Parade- June 13th

Last Day of School-June 14th

WSD District Calendar 22/23

WSD District Calendar 23/24