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Patriotic Pageant Lyrics

“Our Country ‘Tis of Thee” 

We sing of thee, America, 

Land we love America, 

Brave and free from shore to shore, 

God be with you ever more. 

Keep thy light, America, 

Shining bright. America. 

Hear our song of liberty, 

Our Country ‘tis of thee.   Hmm……

“There Was A Man” 

Solo: John Smith there was a man                                                          Chorus: Hi-ho, did-dle-i-o 

Down in Jamestown be began 

To make our country grow,                                                           ----------------------------Oh__ 

Make our country grow.                                                                Make our country grow. 


Solo: Roger Williams there was a man                                                   Chorus: Hi-ho, did-dle-i-o 

In Rhode Island he be began 

To make our country grow,                                                           ----------------------------Oh__ 

Make our country grow.                                                                Make our country grow. 


All sing: Across the rivers, Across the mountains, Across the valleys -- to a new frontier.  


Solo: Daniel Boone there was a man                                                      Chorus: Hi-ho, did-dle-i-o 

In Kentucky he be began 

To make our country grow,                                                           ----------------------------Oh__ 

Make our country grow.                                                                Make our country grow…………. 


Solo: Sam Houston there was a man                                                      Chorus: Hi-ho, did-dle-i-o 

Fought for Texas and began 

To make our country grow,                                                           ----------------------------Oh__ 

Make our country grow.                                                                Make our country grow. 


Solo: Brigham Young there was a man                                                   Chorus: Hi-ho, did-dle-i-o 

Here in Utah he began 

To make our country grow,                                                           ----------------------------Oh__ 

Make our country grow.                                                                Make our country grow.

Are You for Independence? 


Chorus: Connecticut, are you for independence? 

Are you for the pursuit of happiness? 

For life and liberty and freedom?                       Soloists: Connecticut votes YES! 



Chorus: Rhode Island, are you for independence? 

Are you for the pursuit of happiness? 

For life and liberty and freedom?                       Soloists: Rhode Island votes YES! 


Chorus: And you Massachusetts, how  

‘bout you sir?                                                      Soloists: Upon do reflection, we do sir. 


Chorus: Delaware & Pennsylvania,  

Are you for the pursuit of happiness?          Soloists: Delaware and Pennsylvania  

For life and liberty and freedom?                                   vote YES! 


Chorus: New York, New Hampshire, & New Jersey, 

Are you for the pursuit of happiness? 

For life and liberty and freedom?                 Soloists: The 3 of us - vote YES! 

Chorus: Virginia, are you for independence?                   Soloists: Virginia home of Patrick Henry,

    Are you for the pursuit of happiness?                                George Washington, Thomas

               For life and liberty and freedom?          Jefferson, James Madison, 

                                                                                                                  James Monroe, Vote YES!

Chorus: Maryland and Georgia?                                         Soloists: We agree sir!                              


Chorus: North and South Carolina?                                    Soloists:  So do we sir! 


Soloists:    And that’s how our country had its birthday.  

A day that everybody celebrates.  


Chorus:        When 13 original colonies became the UNITED STATES. 

Preamble to the US Constitution

                  We The People of the United States, 

In Order to form a more perfect Union, 

Establish Justice, 

Insure domestic Tranquility, 

Provide for the common defense, 

Promote the general Welfare, 

And secure the Blessings of Liberty

To ourselves and our Posterity, 

Do ordain and establish this Constitution 

                  For the United States of America

That’s What it Means To Be Free 



You can say anything that you want to say, 

Whoever you may be. 

Small Group: 

You can meet with your neighbors across the way; 

That’s what it means to be free; 

All Sing: 

You can write anything that you want to write,  

And dare to disagree,  

You can sleep without feeling afraid at night; 

That’s what it means to be free. 


You can’t be imprisoned or taken away, 

Until you’ve been justly tried. 

You can choose the church where you want to pray, 

With your family by your side. 


You can dream any dream that you want to dream, 

And make it all come true, 

‘cause you live in a land where the star of liberty  

Is shining over you. 

 Goin West 



Goin’ west… 

in a covered wagon, 

Get along mule… 

gid-di-yup, gid-di-yup. 

In spite of the danger… 

Goin’ through wilderness country 

We’re gonna cross… 

The Cumberland Gap, 

The Cumberland Gap. 

Verses by Ma, Pa & Son. 

With An Empty Jug And A Musical Saw (verses-- solos) 


Verse 1:        Clearin’ the land, cuttin’ the timber, storin’ up sorghom, molasses and rye. 

Puttin’ down stakes, Raisin’ up fences, diggin’ new wells when the water runs dry. 


Boys – Ploughin’, plantin’, rakin’ and hoein’ workin’ all day on the homestead site. 

Girls – Churnin’, weavin’, spinnin’, and sewin’, … until Saturday night.  

All –   With an empty jug and a musical saw, we dance to “Turkey in the Straw” 

           That’s the way that Maw got Paw. 


Verse 2: Wagons ho! Cross the Mississippi. Here comes the stagecoach bringin’ us mail. 

We’re growin’ up fast, got a mill and an Inn and a church and a tavern and a Sheriff and a jail. 


Verse 3: Over the plains thru Buffalo country, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska too. 

Meetin’ the Indians, Pawnee, Shawnee, Comanche, Apache, Chippewa, Sioux. 


Verse 4: Cowhands, cattlemen, headin’ for Texas, pushin’ their way thru the tall grassland. 

Fordin’ the rivers, Arkansas, Cimarron, Brazos, Pecos, Rio Grande. 


Verse 5: Hi-yup to Oregon. Cross the Rockies, there where pine-trees grow so fine. 

Got traders, trappers, room to breathe, a respectable saloon, and a railroad line. 


Verse 6: There’s gold in the hills, silver in the canyons. Gotta move on through drought and dust.

Cowtown, mining town, boom town, ghost town, Yip-ee-i-o, California or bust! 


(Start track 10) 

Chorus:  Thru many a mile and many a moment, many a name has left its mark. 


Buffalo Bill  


Lewis and Clark.

Unknown Bugle Boy of Cemetery Hill (spoken in GREEK chorus style) 


Yankee 1 solo:        There’s a battlefield at Gettysburg where swords and sabers rust, 

And brothers who were flesh and blood are scattered in the dust. 

But every night at Gettysburg when everything is still, 

They say a golden bugle blows on Cemetery Hill. 


Chorus:                   Who was that unknown bugle boy at Gettysburg that day? 

And was he wearing Yankee blue, or wearing Southern Gray? 


Rebel Solo:              Did he sound the call for General Meade through all the shot and shell? 

Or did he blow for Pickett’s charge and blow retreat as well. 

And did he hear the mournful cry of thousands of young men 

Who sang with hopes and high ideals and never left again? 


Chorus:                    Who was that unknown bugle boy at Gettysburg that day? 

And was he brave in Yankee blue, or brave in Southern Gray? 


Yankee 2 solo:        Of the lad who was the Bugle Boy nothing could be found. 

Except a golden bugle lying silent on the ground. 

But every night at Gettysburg when everything is still, 

You’ll hear the golden bugle blow on Cemetery Hill. 


Chorus:                  Who was that unknown bugle boy at Gettysburg that day? 

Why did he die in Yankee blue, or die in Southern Gray?

Flower Drum Song - I do not have as a Google File. 

Inventor’s Song 

Chorus: Oh, it took Bell to make the telephone ring, 

And it took Edison to light up our way, 

Oh, it took Robert Fulton in a steam-boat 

To go chug-chug- chuggin’ down the bay. 

Howe knew how to make a sewin’ machine, 

The Wrights learned the right way to fly. 

So when you’re spellin’ the word A-MER-I-CA, 

Don’t forget to dot the “I” for the inventors, 

Don’t forget to dot the “I.” 


Solo: George Pullman made the sleeping car for railroad trips at night, 


Solo: Lew Waterman made the fountain pen so everyone could write, 


Solo: Richard Hoe made the rotary press so we could get the news, 


Solo: Charles Goodyear made the rubber for the heels upon our shoes. 



Chorus:  And when you talk about a new invention … 

Incidentally don’t forget to mention… 


Chorus:  That it took Morse to make the telegraph hum, 

…..     Whitney made the cotton gin, 

Oh, it took Henry Ford to make an auto, 

So that folks could take it for a spin, 

Otis made the elevator go up,  

McCormick’s reaper reaped the rye. 

So when you’re spellin’ the word A-MER-I-CA, 

Don’t forget to dot the “I” for the inventors, 

Don’t forget to dot the “I.”

The Whole Wide World Is My Hometown 


I live on a street in my hometown, 

Faraway from a far-off land, 

But the whole wide world is my home town, 

When freedom needs a helping hand. 


There’s a peaceful sky in my backyard, 

Faraway from fear and doubt, 

But the whole wide world is my hometown, 

And I’ve gotta help my neighbor out. 


 ‘Cause I live on a street, in a town, 

in a county, in a state, 

in a country of the world, you see. 

What goes on in the world is really up to me. 


I live on a street in my hometown, 

Faraway from a far-off land, 

But the whole wide world is my home town, 

When Freedom needs a helping hand. 


‘Cause I live on a street, in a town, 

in a county, in a state, 

in a country of the world, you see. 

What goes on in the world is really up to me. 


I live on a street in my hometown, 

Faraway from a far off land, 

But the whole wide world is my home town, 

When Freedom needs a helping hand.

Livin’ In America 

Yeah! Come on!  

Let us tell you about… what went on! 

By the 1900s …we were GO-IN’ STRONG!! 

The factory line …and a higher wage.  

The Wright brothers fly…says the new page. 

Let’s add some jazz …and flapper dresses. 

*Talking movies…Mickey Mouse is new. 

*Men could vote…Now the women can too! 


Living in America – automobiles, coast to coast 

Living in America – hand to hand, across the nation 

Living in America – Got to have a Celebration! 


Big Bands… and musicals too. 

Movie stars…Elvis Presley’s COOL! 

Civil Rights…I have a dream! 

Man in space…now isn’t that keen? 

Rock –n-roll… has hit the airwaves. 

Portable radios are quite the new craze. 

Disco’s next… and leisure suits. 

(Boys) Star Wars Rock! ... (Girls) That Luke’s so cute! 

*Pac-Man, Asteroids, and Rubik’s Cube. 

*PC’s are comin’, but they’re still new. 


Living in America – automobiles, coast to coast 

Living in America – hand to hand, across the nation 

Living in America – Got to have a Celebration! 


Hubble orbits… in outer space.  

We’re going GREEN…Earth is our place.  

Televisions …in every room. 

The internet’s runnin’…so much to do. 

*Rover on Mars…and shuttle missions. 

*Skate parks, scooters…X Game traditions. 

*Football, Baseball, and Basketball too. 

*We love our sports…what can we do

*Living longer...with education. 

*Smart phones, iPods… we’re a tekkie nation. 

*Now we think it’s time to have a CELEBRATION! 


Living in America – automobiles, coast to coast 

Living in America – hand to hand, across the nation 

Living in America – automobiles, coast to coast 

Living in America – hand to hand, across the nation 

Living in America – Got to have a Celebration! 


   Land we love America, 

Brave and free from shore to shore, 

God be with you ever-more. 


America, America,  

God shed His grace on thee, 

And crown thy good with brotherhood, 

From sea to shining sea. 

From sea to shining sea.