Book Report Information

1. Be sure you finish reading your book several days before your report is due. 

2. See instructions for  typed summary and project. See below.

3. Pictures of sample projects are at the bottom of this page. 

If project is assigned, we will go over it 2 – 3 weeks before they are due, so students have time to do a quality job on their projects. 

2023-24 Dates and topics 

Fiction book read as a class. Due November 8. Done on our Class Google Drive.

Biography -  read to self, but work on report in class. Doc. in Class Google Drive. Due December 19th.

What Should My Report Summaries Look Like?  

Book Reports should be around ONE double spaced page. If it's more than that, you are probably adding detail. In 5th grade we are learning to write summaries with major plot points only. The font size should be 12 -14.  5th grade grammar and punctuation expected.

***No parent typing allowed. Students are learning this valuable skill. You may ask for your parents help with organizing and editing, however. :)  

Fiction Book Report Summary Instructions

Student Name

Title of Book

Author of Book

# of pages

Describe the Plot

The plot includes the major events within a story - key events that move the story along and/or have a significant effect on the main character(s). The plot does not include interesting details. (It’s so hard to leave them out, but they are not needed for a summary. Learning to choose what is important, from what is interesting, is a major life skill.) Be sure to include your favorite part, however.

Determine the Setting

The time and place in which a story's events occur. This is often essential to understanding the meanings of a book.

Tell about Characters and Point of View

The fifth-grade reader needs to consider who is telling the story to make a complete summary. Students then identify the main character and describe how this character interacts with other key characters in the story.

Discuss Theme

The theme of a novel is generally what authors want their audience to "take away" from a reading of their work. What does your child see as the “big idea” of the book? What lesson does the author want the reader to learn?

Book Recommendation

Students are asked to rate their book from 1-10. 10 being the best book they have ever read. This helps others choose books they might like to read in the future.

Auto/Biography Report Summary Instructions

Student Name 

Title of Book 

Author of Book

 # of pages

 Name of Person’s Childhood

 ________ was born in …. They grew up in …. Describe their family. What they were like as a child. Things they liked to do when they were little.


Tell how they learned what they would need to know to become famous/help the world when they grew up. Did they go to school? Did they learn at home? Were they an apprentice? 

Why this person is famous 

Include at least 5 important facts. What did they do to become famous. 

My Opinion 

After reading about ______ I think they are famous for a good reason / bad reason. Tell why you think that. 

Book Recommendation 

I would give this book a 

Book Report Project IDEaS Descriptions & Samples

Fiction Book of Choice IDEA

This Book Report project idea is a picture glyph. A picture glyph is a picture in which the picture has meaning by the elements in it. The students will create a picture according to their book and their opinion of the book. The picture should be colored in completely and NICELY (no white on the page even background). Accompanying the picture should be the students summary of the book - see above. 

Below is the Glyph Key that is given to the students and photos of some past student work to give you an idea of how it should look.






Historical Fiction Book Report idea

One historical report project idea is to make a brochure about the book. Information should be typed! The teacher can show students whow to create a brochure template in their Google Drive.

The brochure should have three sections on the front and three on the back, totaling six sections. There should be no blank sections.

Newberry Book Report idea

The Newberry Award is given to the author of the most distinguished contribution to American literature for children. One project idea for this book report is to create a map relating to the setting of the book and the events that take place. The map should be on an 11×18 piece of art paper that is given to each student. The teacher will give students an instruction sheet. 



Grab Bag Book Report idea

BAG: For this book report you will need to find some type of bag or container to put items in that represent the story structure of your book. This bag/container should represent your book as well. Appropriate bags could be a duffle bag for an athlete, suitcase if the main character is on the move, lunch boxes and backpacks are great for characters who attend school. Baskets, pillowcases and gift bags may work as well. Have fun and be creative! Your bag should have the title on it, the author, and some type of illustration (draw, tape, pin, glue). CONTENTS: Inside your bags should be items to represent the story structure of your book.

*SUMMARY: As the summary - include a paragraph for each of the items in your bag. Do not forget the rating and favorite part.

Autobiography/Biography Book Report idea

Most Autobiographies and biographies at a fifth grade level are less than 100 pages. That is OK. If you need to find more information about your person, you can research information on the internet. Here is what is expected for the presentation:

1. Students will dress up like the person they have read about. This is to be real simple. We do not want you spending any money on this project. It can be as simple as wearing a baseball cap, glasses, a jersey, or holding a prop, like a bat.

2. Students must also DRAW and color a portrait of the person they read about.

3. See summary instructions link at the top of this page. 

Become the Book  Book Report  idea


Sports and Adventure Book Report idea

See YouTube video with instructions. You don't need to use a special die cut machine. Just fold, cut and weave. Have fun!!

You will make a pre-folded flip book to complete your book report on.  It is kind of like a pamphlet with hidden compartments.  You are to put the title on the front and color it  nicely- I am really looking for neat work.  I want to see that you took time in your drawing and coloring.  On the inside, attach your: summary, favorite part and rating.  In order to get the typing in the right format you will need to choose landscape and 3 columns.  This will allow it to fit in the space provided.  If it takes more than two columns to type the information, just layer the information  (see bottom picture below).  The key to this project is there is a hidden side in the middle of the front and back sides of the flip book.  You will need to draw a total of 5 pictures/sides of the pamphlet including the front to get full credit.  These pictures can be anything that pertains to the book.  The pictures and coloring should take up the whole page as well.  I am not looking for masterpieces, just time, effort, and neatness. 

Mystery Book Report idea

Mystery Books are a fun genre. We hope you enjoy the suspense and thinking these types of books offer that keep you turning the pages. For this book report, we want you to make a newspaper article about the book. First, think of a catchy name for your newspaper. Then think of a good headline for your story. All newspaper articles should answer the who, what, when, where, why, and how about the article. Remember to write this in 3rd person as a reporter reporting what has happened. You may want to include some first hand accounts or quotes from the characters in your book as well. Be Creative! Have Fun!

Fiction Book of Choice idea

You will complete 3 small projects from a possible 9 given on a tic – tack- toe handout that your teacher will give you.

1. Make a new book jacket; write a summary of the story for inside of your book jacket.

2. Make a Venn Diagram showing the similarities and differences between the Protagonist and Antagonist.

3.   Write 2 cinquains about the book.

     Line 1:  1 Word:   Noun                                                                                     1        2        3

     Line 2:  2 Words – Describe the Noun                                                            4        5        6

     Line 3:  3 Words – ending in -ing                                                                     7        8        9

     Line 4:  4 words – thought or feeling about

     Line 5:  1 word – synonym

4. Make a picture collage of main characters in the book. (Pictures must be drawn not taken from magazines or computer, minimum of 6 pictures).

5.  Make a time line to show important events. Were there any loose ends in this story that were not tied up to your satisfaction?

6. What do you think was the theme or moral of this book? Make a book mark to illustrate this theme/moral.

7.  Did your character have a conflict with…

     1. Another character in the book – describe an example of the struggle.

     2. Nature – describe an example of the struggle.

     3. Rules, laws, or customs– describe an example of the struggle.

     4. Himself/herself – describe an example of the struggle.

8. Write a story that is a sequel. (A sequel tells what happens next).  Be sure to include a title, setting, main character (protagonist)  and antagonist (person or thing causing the conflict).

9. Make a newscast (live, video, or recorded) in which the main characters are interviewed.

student examples below

GLyph and Fiction Summary

Trifold Brochure and Summary

Story Map and Summary

Report in a bag and Summary

Biography Dress up, Portrait, & Incident with Summary

Become the Book Cover and Summary

Flip Book with Summary - typed in margins

Create Your Own Newspaper - 5 Ws will create Summary

Tic - Tack - Toe and Summary