ADA Compliance & Accommodations

Parents and caregivers of children with disabilities are often confused about which laws protect their children from discrimination and provide access to educational and related services in public K-12 schools.

There are three main laws that address the rights of students with disabilities in public schools:

These three laws were written and passed at different times in US history. Section 504 was first passed in 1973, IDEA in 1975, and the ADA in 1990. Because they are not part of some grand, overarching plan, it can be confusing to differentiate when and how they apply to students with disabilities. In the linked factsheet, the ADA National Network describes how these laws differ, so parents can understand the legal basis for both their child’s civil and educational rights and can advocate for them in public schools. This document is a starting point for families to understand the various laws that affect them and how they interrelate.

For more detailed information, visit the ADA National Network, or download their Disability Rights Laws in Public Primary and Secondary Education: How do they relate? document. Also available in Spanish and Large Print versions.


As required by Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, specifically 34 CFR §35.130(b)(7), a qualified individual with a disability has a right to request modification(s) to policies, practices, and procedures when modifications are necessary to avoid discrimination on the basis of disability, except if the District can demonstrate that making the modification(s) would fundamentally alter the nature of the District’s service, program, or activity, or would impose an undue financial or administrative burden on the District. 

To learn more or to request modification to policies, practices, and procedures as necessary to avoid discrimination on the basis of a disability please refer to the PROCEDURE FOR REQUESTING MODIFICATIONS TO POLICIES AND PRACTICES PROTOCOL, linked here, or contact:

Alfred (Ace) Thompson William Beando


Title IX Coordinator/Section 504/ADA Coordinator for Students Title IX Coordinator/ADA Coordinator for Staff

1745 Main Street 1745 Main Street

Jefferson, MA 01522 Jefferson, MA 01522

Phone: 508-829-1670 ext. 253 Phone: 508-829-1670 ext. 224

Email: Email: