About the Office of Student Support

The mission of the Office of Student Support (OSS) is to create the conditions necessary for all student to experience academic excellence through the development and implementation of professional learning, comprehensive and coordinated programs and services, and a focus on learning, accountability, and results.

The role of the Office is to provide curated, aligned, and differentiated support to schools in the areas of social-emotional and behavioral development that is designed to facilitate expert teaching and learning enabling students, teachers, and leaders to thrive and students to achieve maximum benefit from their educational experience.  What underpins our work is a belief in communication, collaboration, and coordination as foundational to stakeholder engagement, investment, and trust. 

These priorities are achieved by providing expertise, leadership, and professional development to optimize the academic, social-emotional, physical, and behavioral development of all students within an integrated multi-tiered system of support that meets the needs of the full range of learners in the district, creating optimal conditions for students to receive high-quality instruction through the partnership with educators. OSS is committed to promoting student success and well-being by teaching students skills that will help them to be successful in school as well as in life.

The Office monitors the implementation of both federal and state laws and regulations concerning Civil Rights and Section 504/Title II of the ADA and responds to concerns in the following areas: student conduct, including substance abuse, violence, bullying, truancy, and other risky behavior; school wellness services; home/hospital instruction and student success for distinct populations (homeless, foster care, migrant, or military connected students).   The Office also monitors new student enrollment, residency, and attendance matters.

The Office is the hub that connects schools, students, families, and community with the necessary resources and supports to assure the academic, social, behavioral and emotional well-being of all students, assisting in making and strengthening relationships between community agencies, families, and school personnel. 

Questions regarding any of the information provided on the OSS website can be directed to:

Maria Letasz, Ed.D., LMHC



508-829-1670 ext. 253