Steven O

Haven’t you seen raptors in Jordan’s or t-rexes in size 36 Yeezys? Here’s a t-rex who couldn’t put on or tie his shoes because his arms are too short. His name is Shoeties. Shoeties’ mom, Laces, was screaming at Shoeties to get his shoes on. Then Shoeties’ dad’s feet came down. “I hear screaming. I’m going on a walk.

Four Hours Later

There is the sound of sirens as Shoeties’ doorbell rings, ding dong. Mom answered, “Your husband has been in an accident,” the policeman at the door said. She went to see that her husband has died.

One Hour Later

There was another sound at the door. This time, Shoeties was alone, without any parents. “I’m sorry to have to tell you this: your mother has died.” The police man said, “You live alone.” Shoeties rubbed his eyes and said to himself, “Dang. Both of my parents are gone and I’m too shy to have a friend.”

Four Weeks Later

“Can you put on and tie my shoes?” Shoeties said to his new friend.


Farallon Island

You look up only cute seals.

You look toward the ocean.

You see a huge wave coming at you, dive under or accept defeat.

The wave takes you out ten miles.

You sleep on a few logs held together.

You see a shark fin… no, three of them.

You know it’s death or fight.

“Huh,” you say. Only one fin, no more fins.

The seals and whales have saved you.

You ride a whale back to home sweet home.

That’s what you thought

Before an orca came out of the water and swept you away.

Everybody swims away.

The seals, back to a faraway island.

And the whale, back to its family.

You’d think it was the end, then you keep punching its mouth.

It opens, and you swim as fast as you can.

There is a small island.

The orca gets too hot.

South, he goes.

In Hawaii you tell your story.

And you wake up.

You’re on Farallon Island,

A seal sleeping on you.

“Wait… What?” you ask.

It’s your dog in your room…

That looks like an island