
Below are some Frequently Asked Questions about callbacks. Please browse through to see if your question is answered!


How do I know if I've been called back?

Callbacks will be posted in the auditorium at the end of day 3 of auditions, as well as on Google Classroom. If you haven't been called back, don't worry! We only call back a small group of students.

What happens at callbacks?

At callbacks, the directors will play with different combinations of actors and give you various scenes on the spot to see how the actors are able to interact with one another. The directors are making final decisions about who will be cast as whom in the performance.

So if I don't get a callback, does that mean I'm not going to be a lead or supporting character?

Not necessarily. If an actor receives a callback, it is because the directors need to see more of his/her vocal or acting skills before making a decision. Sometimes we know exactly how we want to cast someone just from their initial audition alone and don't even need to call them back. Don't over-analyze!