
Your Subject Librarian is Lucia Al-Talal

If you need any support finding Business resources, interpreting, and using them in your work please contact me! 


Mathematics Dewey numbers

This page contains a list of Dewey numbers for Mathematics. Each book has a Dewey number on a spine label on the book that ascends, from left to right, in numerical order on the shelves. If you get stuck, ask a member of the library team.

Reference and citation generator for In-text and bibliographies

This site allows you to automatically search for a wide variety of media details (including online images) and create bibliographies and in-text citation

Online Databases

We have access to a fantastic range of academic content from leading publishers. All available online!

Useful Mathematics websites for A level students

Useful Mathematics websites to support students with their learning.

Plus Magazine

Khan Maths academy

Khan Academy is on a mission to give a free, world-class education to anyone, anywhere. Their personalized learning resources are available for all ages. Video learning segments are followed by practice activities. Grades: K–12; cost: Free


This resource from England provides math videos, math practice questions, and worksheets with answers. Grades: K–12; cost: Free