Health and Social Care

Your Subject Librarian is Lucia Al-Talal

If you need any support finding Health and Social Care resources, interpreting, and using them in your work please contact me! 


Health and Social Care Dewey Numbers

This page contains a list of Dewey numbers for Health and Social Care. Each book has a Dewey number on a spine label on the book that ascends, from left to right, in numerical order on the shelves. If you get stuck, ask a member of the Library team to help.

Online Databases

We have access to a fantastic range of academic content from leading publishers. All available online!

Harvard reference generator: make referencing easy

Referencing automated!  From the library team at Queen's University, Belfast.

Useful websites for Health and Social Care

BBC Health News


Health and Social Care Government Statistics

Mental Health Helpline-NHS

Depression Support Group

Drugs Addictions: Getting Help

Alcohol Support-NHS

Self-Referral to NHS for Drugs and Alcohol

Research Methods and Ethics ppt

Health and Social Care Level 3 Reading List