
Your Subject Librarian is Lucia Al-Talal

If you need any support finding Economics resources, interpreting, and using them in your work please contact me! 


This page contains a list of Dewey numbers for Economics. Each book has a Dewey number on a spine label on the book that ascends, from left to right, in numerical order on the shelves. If you get stuck, ask a member of the Library team.

This site allows you to automatically search for a wide variety of media details (including online images) and create bibliographies and in-text citation 

We have access to a fantastic range of academic content from leading publishers. All available online!

A learned society founded in 1890 to promote the study of economic science. It publishes the Economic Journal and the Econometrics Journal; engages with the media and with the policy communities, and supports education, training and career development of economists and holds the RES Annual Conference, a major international gathering of academic economists.

If you go to the news section and then head for the business news you will get instant access to all the latest economics stories. It provides a perfect overview written in a very accessible style. The BBC also has a good reputation for breaking key stories first.

This is a superb economics web-based resource from David Smith, the economics editor of the Sunday Times. You will find great discussions in the forums as well as topical economics stories.

Federal Reserve Board.

Promoting the good of the people of the United Kingdom by maintaining monetary and financial stability

You will find great discussions in the forums as well as topical economics stories.

It is a superb source for news and comment on the world of economics and financial markets

It is a superb source of news and comment on the world of economics and financial markets.

This is the website that provides detailed economic data for the UK economy. From inflation to trade figures it is all here.