Art and Photography

Your Subject Librarian is Lucia Al-Talal

If you need any support finding Art information resources, interpreting, and using them in your work please contact me! 


This page contains a list of Dewey numbers for Art. Each book has a Dewey number on a spine label on the book that ascends, from left to right, in numerical order on the shelves. If you get stuck, ask a member of the Library team to help.

We have access to a fantastic range of academic content from leading publishers. All available online!

JSTOR provides access to 125 journal titles in the visual arts, including photography.

The Internet Archive makes available, after free registration, access to digitised book content from library services from around the world including of course for the Arts.

This site allows you to automatically search for a wide variety of media details (including online images) and create bibliographies and in-text citations. 

A series of links to the leading Art galleries of the Fine and Applied Arts from the library catalogue.