Tongue Tied


Proverbs 15:1-2

“A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. The tongue of the wise adorns knowledge, but the mouth of the fool gushes folly”


A great deal is made of each person having their unique fingerprint. It's theirs and no one else can replicate it. This print sets you apart, but did you also know that your tongue has a unique print. The tongue comprised of eight different muscles, taste receptors and made of incredibly flexible skeletal muscle is individualized. I don't envision tongue prints being scanned the same way that fingers are for identification, but the ability to control our tongue and use it for God's glory does start to identify us. It identifies us as HIS children seeking to use what comes out of our mouth as pleasing in HIS sight.


The Proverb above talks about how we respond to others. How do we respond in stressful situations? Can we control what comes out of our mouth when angry? It's easy to be nice and encouraging when things are going great, but what transpires when things become challenging and bumpy? I can think of plenty of instances where I could have done a better job controlling my tongue, but I can think of no greater calling than aspiring to put a smile on my Father's face through my words.

So whether you are a beginner, novice or expert the reminder stays the same for us. Please your FATHER through how you respond to others that he has created.

We are all identifiable by our tongue and it's unique print, but we are also identified by how we use it. May we use our tongues and speech to represent the one who created us.


Heavenly Father, thank you for the way that you have intricately and skillfully designed our bodies. Thank you for the way in which you allow us to communicate with one another through speech. It is my prayer that our words reflect you. May we demonstrate during good and bad that we can control our tongue with your help. We ask for the skills of self-control and restraint. Forgive us for the times when we have let our emotions get the best of us. We love you and look forward to representing you to the best of our ability today! AMEN