Living Sacrifices


"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God--this is your true and proper worship." -Romans 12:1


Each one of us has been uniquely created to glorify God. All that God has given us, we can use to bring him glory. Our bodies, intricitally designed, have free will and don't have to choose to submit to Him, but He calls us to offer ourselves to as living sacrifices.


Since everything we have been given is able to glorify our Father, we need to offer ourselves to Him. We need to lay down our lives to His control, choosing to do whatever He asks.

How do we offer our bodies as living sacrifices?

By submitting to God's plans for our lives and through His Spirit living lives that our holy and pleasing to Him. This won't all happen at once, and is definitely not an easy thing to do, but it takes a daily choice to lay down ourselves and our own desires and pursue His desires and paths for our lives. The verse says "in view of God's mercy", saying that when we remind ourselves of the mercy that He has shown us, it puts it into perspective and gives us a greater desire to submit.


Dear Father,

Teach me to submit my entire being to you and please help me to live a life that is holy and pleasing in your sight. Please remind me of all that you've done for me and use that to motivate me to live for you each day. Thank you for the created uniquely and with the ability to bring you glory through my life. Thank you Jesus for taking my punishment and living a perfect life so that I may be seen as perfect in your sight.

In Jesus name,
