WLIS Music
Mr. Helgerman
Welcome to music class! This year in music class, we will learn through playing, singing, moving, and creating music. West Lafayette Intermediate School has a rich tradition of music education, and as your music teacher, I look forward to continuing those traditions, while finding new ways to contribute from my own experience.
West Lafayette Music Boosters
Please consider being a music booster this year! You can find more information and the donation form in this document. We would like to thank these benefactors for their generous gifts.
WLIS Ensemble Opportunities
Do you love to sing? The WLIS School Choir traditionally meets after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Registration for this year's choir is now available online. The first choir practice this year will be on Tuesday, August 29. For more information, see our choir web page.
West Lafayette Orchestras - Are you intrigued by stringed instruments? Our orchestra program might be for you!
West Lafayette Bands - WLIS 5th and 6th grade students might want to check out our band program.