
General Music Classes

All Happy Hollow Elementary students participate in general music class weekly for 45 minutes for the entire year, with an additional 45-minute weekly class for 12 weeks each year. This is equivalent to 60 minutes per week for the year. Students sing, play classroom instruments, move to music, improvise, and even compose their own music. Each grade level will produce an annual musical, performed in the West Lafayette Jr./Sr. High School Marshall Howenstein Auditorium. Music grades are issued once each semester, based on class participation, growth, and musical achievement.

Band Class

Happy Hollow 5th and 6th grade students have the opportunity to be part of the band! Band classes meet before school two mornings a week at West Lafayette Jr./Sr. High School, and students travel by bus to Happy Hollow in time for their regular instructional day. More information about our band program can be found on the West Lafayette Bands website.

Strings Class

All Happy Hollow Elementary students have the opportunity to join our orchestra program. String classes meet either during the lunch activity period, or before school in the Happy Hollow orchestra room. More information about our string program can be found on the West Lafayette Orchestras website.