4th Grade General Music

2024 Musical Production Notes

May 7 Update:

We are in the home stretch for our May 14 musical production.  Please see the latest production notes below.  Also, please remember that because each student plays an important role in our production, all students must be present for the performance (attendance is a required part of music class).  If your student will be unable to attend the performance for any reason, please reach out to me immediately.  I am happy to help you work through transportation challenges, and we can often work out a carpool when informed far enough in advance.


Practice Resources:

Individual practice resources can be found in our Google Classroom. Students will need to be logged into Google with their school Google accounts (not a personal account) to access these files.  



Please drop off your student at the main entrance before searching for a parking spot, following the same procedures as you would for morning drop-off.  If you live close enough to walk, that is probably your best option.  There are 77 regular parking spots in our school parking lot.  Please do NOT park in the four reserved office spots (the spots marked as reserved for visitors are fair game).  There are five handicap spots near the flagpole for properly marked vehicles.  There are nine bus slots in our bus lot (each bus slot could probably accommodate two cars parked one in front of the other).  Once all of our parking slots are filled, drivers will need to venture out for parallel parking on nearby streets.  Only door #1 at the main entrance will be unlocked for this event.



My official directive for what to wear is: “look nice.”  Lightweight clothing (it’ll be hot on the stage) that would be appropriate for a regular school day is a fine choice.  Wear comfortable shoes. Don’t wear high heels (they can be unsafe on the choral risers).


Performance Week Schedule:

Monday, May 13:

Tuesday, May 14:

March 16 Update:

On May 14, 2024, we will perform our annual musical production.  Our show is called "Good Thinking," and it is a musical review by Teresa Jennings celebrating good character.  Students can find practice resources through our Google Classroom.  Parents, look for a letter home between March 25 and March 29 (you can find the letter in PDF format here right now).  We will perform at 7:00 p.m. in WLIS LGI/Cafeteria performance space. Because each fourth grade student plays an important part in our production, all students must perform (performing is a required part of music class).  Students who are not present for the group performance must complete an alternate individual assignment (unless medically excluded by the school nurse).

General Music Class

In 4th grade general music class, we study a variety of musical repertoire, including songs that tie in with classroom studies in Indiana History.  Daily music activities include singing, playing Orff instruments (xylophones, drums, etc.), movement activities, some folk dancing, improvising, and composing our own music.

Note Names Practice -- Choose Your Level

Note Construction -- Opposite Direction

What's New in General Music Class?

This year in music class, we are enjoying the return of many of our normal in-person music class activities, while maintaining a safe environment.  We will remain moderately socially distanced in music class, while adding in some of our favorite activities in a sensible way.  We will sing with prudent modifications to reduce the spread of aerosol droplets. 

As always, we will continue to work on our skills with reading standard music notation, performing on a small scale during Talent Time, listening to great music, learning about musical instruments, and becoming more skilled composers with composition exercises.  We will continue to monitor COVID-19 in the community as this remains a fluid situation.  Our plan is to safely perform our annual musical production in May.  With thoughtful planning and careful action, we can enjoy many of our most rewarding musical activities.

Music Rules

2024 Symphony on the Go Concert

Each year, the Lafayette Symphony Orchestra sponsors a special free concert for the fourth grade students in the Greater Lafayette area.  This year's concert will be on Friday, February 9, 2024.  We will attend the 10:00 AM performance.  We'll travel by school bus to and from the concert as a whole-grade-level field trip.  Your student should have brought this letter home recently with a little more detailed information.

2023 Musical Production Notes

May 8 Update:

We are in the home stretch for our May 16 musical production.  Please see the latest production notes below.  Also, please remember that because each student plays an important role in our production, all students must be present for the performance (attendance is a required part of music class).  If your student will be unable to attend the performance for any reason, please reach out to me immediately.  I am happy to help you work through transportation challenges, and we can often work out a carpool when informed far enough in advance.

Practice Resources:

Individual practice resources can be found in our Google Classroom. Students will need to be logged into Google with their school Google accounts (not a personal account) to access these files.  


Please drop off your student at the main entrance before searching for a parking spot, following the same procedures as you would for morning drop-off.  If you live close enough to walk, that is probably your best option.  There are 77 regular parking spots in our school parking lot.  Please do NOT park in the four reserved office spots (the spots marked as reserved for visitors are fair game).  There are five handicap spots near the flagpole for properly marked vehicles.  There are nine bus slots in our bus lot (each bus slot could probably accommodate two cars parked one in front of the other).  Once all of our parking slots are filled, drivers will need to venture out for parallel parking on nearby streets.  Only door #1 at the main entrance will be unlocked for this event.


My official directive for what to wear is: “look nice.”  Lightweight clothing (it’ll be hot on the stage) that would be appropriate for a regular school day is a fine choice.  Wear comfortable shoes. Don’t wear high heels (they can be unsafe on the choral risers).

Performance Week Schedule:

Monday, May 15:

Tuesday, May 16:

April 13 Update:

On May 16, 2023, we will perform our annual musical production.  Our show is called "A New Day," and it is a musical review by Teresa Jennings celebrating life in the present moment.  Students can find practice resources through our Google Classroom.  Parents, look for a letter home between April 14 and April 21 (you can find the letter in PDF format here right now).  We will perform at 7:00 p.m. in WLIS LGI/Cafeteria performance space. Because each fourth grade student plays an important part in our production, all students must perform (performing is a required part of music class).  Students who are not present for the group performance must complete an alternate individual assignment (unless medically excluded by the school nurse).

2022 Musical Production Notes

On May 19, 2022, we will perform our annual musical production.  We are optimistic that we'll be able to return to a live in-person performance this year. Our show is called "Big World, Small World," and it is a musical review by Teresa Jennings celebrating the world we share.  Students can find practice resources through our Google Classroom.  Parents, look for a letter home during the week of April 4-8 (you can find the letter in PDF format here right now).  We will perform at 7:00 p.m. in WLIS LGI/Cafeteria performance space. Because each fourth grade student plays an important part in our production, all students must perform (performing is a required part of music class).  Students who are not present for the group performance must complete an alternate individual assignment (unless medically excluded by the school nurse).