Memorial Elementary

Section III

Foundational Components

The Weslaco ISD guidance and counseling department follows the Texas Comprehensive Developmental Guidance and Counseling Program, which is an integral part of the total educational program. It provides a systematic, planned approach for helping all students acquire and apply basic life skills by making optimal use of special knowledge and skills of school counselors. 

This program is based on four components, which are as follows: 

Guidance Curriculum-the purpose of the guidance curriculum is to help students acquire age-appropriate knowledge and skills within the scope of the following content areas: self confidence, development, motivation to achieve, decision making, goal setting, planning, problem solving skills, interpersonal effectiveness, and responsible behavior. 

Responsive Services-the purpose of the responsive services component is to intervene on behalf of those students whose immediate personal concerns or problems put their continued personal-social, career and/or educational development at risk. 

Individual Planning- the purpose of the individual planning system is to guide all students as they plan, monitor, and manage their own educational career and personal social development. 

Systems Support-this component describes services and management activities which indirectly benefit students. 

Mission Statement

The WISD Guidance & Counseling/Social Work mission is to implement a comprehensive developmental guidance and counseling program for our students in grades Pre-K - 12 promoting student success through focus on academic achievement, prevention, and intervention activities, advocacy and social/emotional and career developement to meet the needs of the students and community of WISD. 

The comprehensive development guidance and counseling program model is embedded into the WISD academic curriculum and covers these strands: 


Weslaco ISD Professional School Counselors provide a program that is aligned with the Texas Model for Comprehensive School Counseling and the American School Counseling Association (ASCA). Counselors deliver programs that have an impact on student growth in three areas: academic development, career development, and social-emotional development. Our counseling programs use data to understand student needs, and provide school counseling guidance lessons, individual and group sessions, and closing-the-gap interventions. Counselors work closely with students who participate in a campus-wide emotional intelligence initiative that includes self-regulation, self-awareness, empathy, motivation, and social skills. Counselors also work closely with parents by keeping open communication in regards to each child's needs. 


Weslaco ISD Professional School Counselors believe that students deserve equitable access to high-quality education in a safe and accepting environment structured to foster the learning process. They also believe that all students can succeed when positive relationships are present and fostered by all educational stakeholders in a safe, nurturing, and inclusive environment.


For the Weslaco ISD Comprehensive Counseling Program to be fully and effectively implemented at Memorial Elementary, certain criteria must be met as mentioned below.

Developing Program Goals: 

Our district uses a PANORAMA Survey to determine the needs of our students. We conduct the Fall survey in October and the Winter survey in February. This survey is an online survey available for both staff and students to partake.  Based on the information we receive from these results, we target skills our students need.  Based on the Panorama survey results, our efforts to concentrate on classroom effort, grit and self management, were successful as each of those categories showed growth throughout the school year. This year's will target sense of belonging, supportive relationships and school safety.

Needs Assessment:

Memorial Elementary uses Panorama, a researched based survey, along with a school-based questionnaire to gather data from students and staff.  Both quantitative and qualitative surveys are provided to students and staff twice a year. They are Fall and Winter surveys. The survey responses provide data to meet the needs of students and campus staff. The survey administration is strategically  designed to ensure the counselors are able to implement an action plan based on the needs assessment provided via the Panorama survey.  

Here is a link to the sample Student SEL & Well-Being Survey being provided to students. 

Here is a link to the sample Student Support & Environment Survey provided to students. 

Here is a link to the sample Staff survey. 

Results of the Panorama survey:

Winter 2022

Fall 2022

Winter 2023

Program Evaluation

Memorial Elementary Counseling Advisory Committee reviews the initiatives and/or goals implemented by the Counseling department to ensure the foundational components are being carried out effectively. Data from the Panorama survey are reviewed and an Action Plan is developed based on  survey results from Staff and students. Data such as office referrals, student self referrals, parent referrals, self harm outcries, and threat assessments are reviewed systematically. 

The data provides information to determine the effectiveness of counseling services being provided. The data drives the determination of Tier I and Tier II services provided by Memorial Elementary Counselors. Aside from quantitative and qualitative data gathered from the Winter and Fall administration of the Panorama surveys, the SHECAC also collects feedback from team members to determine if goals are being met to ensure the implementation of the Texas Model as well to confirm the Counseling Program is meeting the needs of students at Memorial Elementary. 

Fidelity of implementation of the components of the Texas Model are reviewed monthly using the SB 179 Compliance Log. A pie chart such as the sample below is evaluated monthly to ensure compliance to SB 179 and to ensure the services provided by Memorial Elementary Counselors are aligned to the Texas model.