
Sarah West - Wellbeing Manager

I would like to welcome you to Wilmington Academy.

As a school we wish to support you academically, physically & mentally to enable you to “believe in yourself” to understand “anything is possible'' and you “don't just fly, you soar”. With a healthy optimism you will believe in your own ability, if something is not working, question your strategy and to try something different to achieve your goals.    

Transition from Primary school to Secondary is an exciting time in your life. You will meet new peers, experience new subjects & learn how to be more independent. 

Most students feel a mixture of excitement and apprehension, which is perfectly natural and usually goes within the first few days. It is normal to be nervous, and it is normal to not know quite what to expect, but remember, everyone else in Year 7 is going through the same thing, and every member of staff is here to help you!

My role as the Wellbeing Manager is to provide additional Wellbeing support with transition alongside your College Pastoral Teams. I have 19 years of experience working within pastoral support roles, as an attendance lead and also a Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL), working with young people in both school and youth group settings. I'm also a qualified Mindfulness practitioner. 

Difficult things do happen, which is unavoidable in life. Together we can overcome these challenges by learning skills and techniques to support ourselves. We should also be mindful of the good things that happen around us every day, no matter how small they may seem at the time. By focusing on the good, we are more able to overcome difficulties when they happen, which will also aid in building our resilience to challenges we may face now and later in life. I am not just here to meet you and build skills when things are bad, because building resilience will also help you on your good days too. 

Getting a Good Night’s Sleep - NCR
Wellbeing Presentation SWE

Mental Health Resources

Youngminds Crisis Text Number:  Text YM to  85258.

Shout Crisis Text Number:  Text Shout to 85258