Apollo College

Our college is named after the Greek and Roman God of prophecy healing, music, poetry and plague! Our college motto is ‘Anything is possible’ and we encourage our students to be aspirational and achieve the very highest standards in all aspects of their academy life. We are a community that encourages students to be hard-working, considerate, respectful of others, creative and resilient. Students in Apollo are supported by an excellent team of teachers and pastoral staff to create an environment where all students feel safe, supported and able to play a full part in the life of the school. We feel it is important for students to take ownership of their learning, not only for them to achieve academically, but to prepare them for their journey into further study, apprenticeship or employment so that they will be successful and fulfilled in their adult life. Our vision is for Apollo to continue to go from strength-to strength and achieve even higher standards every year. 

Apollo College logo

Apollo College Team

Photograph of Head of College (Apollo) - Mr Devlin

Head of College - P  Devlin

Photograph of Assistant Principal (Apollo) - Ms Stringer

Assistant Principal - G  Stringer  

Assistant Principal - L Evans

Photograph of Head of Year 9 (Apollo) - Mr Schoeddert

Head of Year 8 - A  Schoeddert 

Head of Year 9 - L Youdale

Student Services Manager - R Arthur

Photograph of Student Services Manager (Apollo) - Mr Marshall

Student Services Manager - P Marshall

Photograph of College Admin Assistant (Apollo) - Mrs Martin

College Admin Assistant - S Martin