Jupiter College

Jupiter was the King of Roman Gods and ruled over laws and social order. Romans believed he controlled the skies and his symbols include the eagle, a lightning bolt and an oak tree. Our logo represents the eagle and the thunderbolt. The main school logo incorporates the acorns from the oak tree, which encapsulates the strength and aspirations we have at Wilmington for every student. Our college colour is red. We expect all of our Jupiter students to excel themselves both academically and personally. Our vision is a college that enables all of our students to aim high and become well educated, internationally-minded, lifelong learners. Our staff team consists of highly skilled and talented individuals who are committed to providing the very best for our students. 

Jupiter College logo

Jupiter College Team

Photograph of Head of College (Jupiter) - Mrs Goodall

Head of College - S Goodall

Assistant Principal - L Barker

Assistant Principal - R Butler

Head of Year  - J Williams

Photograph of Head of Year 8 (Jupiter) - Mr Hellyer

Head of Year 9 - M Hellyer

Student Services Manager - G Pepper-Newlan

Photograph of Student Services Manager (Jupiter) - Mrs McLean

Student Services Manager - M McLean

Photograph of College Admin Assistant (Jupiter) - Mrs Heardman

College Admin Assistant - K  Heardman