
Art Show


Illuminated letter

For my illuminated letter I chose an “F”, because it is the first letter of my family's last name. For my border I drew a straight, brown picture frame with a yellow stripe running through it. I Also drew many symbols symbolizing things me and my family are interested in, like a book because I like to read and a guitar because my dad plays guitar. Finally, I added some extra lines along my letter for embellishment.


Illuminated letters

My Illuminated letter consists of symbols like the cracks that show my imperfections, the balloons that show my happiness in some moments and sadness in others, I put cards that show my hobby as a magician, and I showed much more. My identity was shown by the vines, they showed my flexibility and my growing of knowledge. For my border I chose sun flowers which are my favorite flowers, and showed my colorfulness.


Illuminated Letter

My illuminated letter is about water and fire and how they don't go together, but the purple makes them go together. I wanted to pick this theme because I thought working with cold colors and warm colors would be fun. I chose the B to be overlapping my water, it's important to me because there's pressure and anxiety. And the background is red because it means that there's people who help me everyday.


Illuminated Letter

My Illuminated Letter is J because it represents my name. My Identity shows who I am, for example Sports. I used a straight border around the perimeter and inside the border were shapes. One of the symbols I did was football because It is one of my favorite sports to watch and play.


Illuminated letter

My Illuminated letter is a R because R is the first letter of my name. My Illuminated letter has a small border because I have a small group of friends and a small variety of things that I do. I also have many symbols on my Illuminated letter for example I have roses on my letter because I like plants and gardening. Overall all of the details I have represent my Identity.


Illuminated letter

My Illuminated letter shows what I like to do like skiing, football and skating and it also shows what I celebrate like Christmas. The letter is E because it is the first letter in my last name. The background of my letter is blue with mountains because blue is like winter and I love the winter because I get to ski on the mountains.


Illuminated Letter

I used Q as my illuminated letter because it is the first letter of my name. I colored my Q yellow because I like the color yellow and because it is bright and will make my letter pop. I embellished my Q by wrapping music notes around it because I dance, I play the guitar and I love music. I also had part of the Q reach into the border. The border is split into many different pieces because I have many different traits and I like a lot of different things. The tree symbolizes nature because I love being outside. The top of the background being blue for the sky and the bottom being green and brown for the ground also symbolizes nature. I have a mountain because I love to ski with my dad and it gives me a great feeling when I am basically flying down the mountain. I have flames coming up from the ground to symbolize me being energetic.


Illuminated letter

For my Illuminated letter I used the letter N because that is a part of my name. Also for another piece of my Identity I put sports equipment because I love playing sports. Another piece for the Illuminated letter was that I made the border have my name in it. Finally for my embellishment I made bubbles on the bottom of some of the platforms, that I made to hold even more sports equipment.


Illuminated Letter

My illuminated letter is an R because of my name. I used a menorah (because I am Jewish) and mountains for my identity. I also added trees because I like to climb on them, and flowers because I love their colors. I, in addition, added embellishments to the letter by using silver in the circles and making the letter go into the border. In the border there are lines and dots in the corner. Blue and purple are mixed together at the bottom and pink and purple at the top. My colors on the R are bright orange, yellow, blue to make the letter pop so it is the first thing you look at. In the background there are many different colors, however mostly a light green. That is my letter!


Illuminated Letters

I have many symbols in my pictures. I added mountains and a chairlift in the background. I also added a football and two goal post in the Illuminated Letter. In the border I added a football, baseball and a basketball hoop and ball.


Illuminated Letter


Illuminated letter

For my Illuminated letter I choose the letter A. I choose this letter because it is the first letter of my (first) name and my name is my Identity. It represents who I am. For my border I choose a lightning picture frame to show that I'm energetic. And for some embellishments I did some dots and diamonds in and some out of my letter.



Illuminated Letter

In my Illuminated letter, I drew diamonds and other things in the colors blue, yellow, pink, and white because I used to have Steven Universe as part of my identity but ever since I started watching Sailor Moon I stopped doing anything that had to do with Steven Universe, so I wish I would have done something sailor moon, but I mostly like the art piece. On the sunny side, it symbolizes my happy and goofy side. But on the rainy side, it’s my sad side (even though I love rain.) The border and background include two hidden Milo tails. (Milo is my dog.)


Illuminated Letter

My illuminated letter symbolizes quite a few things. For example Jadon, Jungle, Jaguar, and Joy. My border overlaps with almost everything in the front and background. The golden pollen specks to the left of the drawing symbolize something that might annoy you but is there for a reason, even if you don’t think so. All the embellishments on the illuminated letter and drawing are there for a reason. For example, the bark on the trees in my J is imperfect because nothing is exactly perfect but it is still beautiful.


Illuminated letter

Hedgehogs are my favorite animal so I made my illuminated letter an “H” for hedgehog. Hedgehogs are my favorite animal because they are super cute and sweet. In the border I put random things that relate to hedgehogs. For example, I drew a little wheel, a paw, a mealworm, and a hedgehog face. On the letter I drew quills and fur. In the middle of the “H” I drew a hedgehog face with some fur and legs hanging down off the “H”. In the background I drew some brown and tan ombre. I think it turned out pretty cute.😊