Art Show


Welcome to Braeburn's very first

Virtual Art Show!

You can use the sidebar in the top left corner of the website to navigate to your child's teacher and scroll to peruse artwork created throughout the 2020-2021 school year. This year brought many changes and new experiences, yet we were able to maintain a sense of connection throughout it by expressing ourselves and honoring one another through the visual arts.

Due to the use of Chromebooks this year, third and fifth grade students were able to express artist statements about one work of art. Their insights are truly inspiring.

Please feel free to explore all classes! You might notice some extra photos scattered throughout the art show that give a glimpse inside our creative process.

We hope you enjoy!

-Ms. DeNello

4th grade students picked a letter from a basket at random and drew the sign language version of it using their knowledge of contour drawing.

They added meditative Zentangle designs around their hands for exciting visual patterns and contrast.

They also had to create their own Zentangle inspired pattern using their sign language letter. Take a closer look to figure out what letter each student had, and how they used that letter to inspire a design.

Our letters collaboratively spelled out "Welcome to Braeburn" "Here you are so loved" and were on display throughout the spring.