Term 2

Week 5 


Writing Topic: Pedal Power

Genre: Recount

WALT: Organise our writing into paragraphs.

Students will be shown picture prompts from yesterday to stimulate their thinking. 

Teacher will demonstrate writing.


Watch this video below


Talk to your buddy about the feelings of Hawk or Squirrel. 

Topic: Choose a character (Squirrel/Hawk) from the video for yourself and narrate the story to your friend, mum or any person. Tell them about your day.Talk about your Feelings 

Genre: Narrative

Example for Modelling: here

Success Criteria: We will be able to choose a character and narrate the story from that character’s point of view. 

Week 3:


Mother's day letter: Think about all the things your mum does for you and write her a letter to say thank you. 

Above are some examples and format to write an informal letter

Finish your speech and start practising it. 

Week 2 :

Topic – Speech writing


Criteria for speech presentation https://sites.google.com/weymouthprimary.school.nz/wpsrehu-tai-2023-kaitiakitanga/speech 

Week 1: 


As we have learnt  about ANZAC day this week . Today we are writing about ANZAC DAY. Refer to this slide

Anzac Day Writing