Exploring what we share and reflecting on our digital footprint 

Today I will: 


-We are learning that images can be changed to tell a different story

- Make a copy of the Alter Slides
- We will insert images to create an illustration for an unbelievable story

Use Remove Bg to images that have a background

Next Steps
- We will share our story and illustration through our blog

Believe it or not? - images can be changed to tell a different story 

Today I will: 

Exploring our Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu Buddy Class Blog 

Today I will: 

Writing a Quality Blog Post 

Today I will: 

Writing a Quality Blog Post

Sorting information: Cooper vs Ruby

Today I will: 

Make a copy of the Google Doc and save to my Cybersmart Folder

Find out information about Cooper and Ruby by Reading their books created in Book Creator.

Complete this table with all of the information you can find.

Share what information you found about Cooper and Ruby with your class, who do you know more about from their stories? 

Cooper and Ruby - What I found out

Term 2