Term 1 Writing

Week 9


Writing Topic – Weekend Recount

Genre – Memoir    

Demonstration -  Teacher will model the writing on white board. 

Whole class Focus- hooking the reader in/starting in an interesting way.


Topic: Sentence Structures 

Simple, Compound and Complex  sentences (whole class teaching) Teacher will explain the sentence structures while watching the video.

Teacher will ask students for examples of different sentence structures after explaining to them.

 Follow Up: After the lesson students will form sentences independently and write in their books. 


Week 8: Writing a Narrative

Weel 7:

Tuesday: Play Kahoot https://kahoot.it/challenge/007610638 

Read the book https://www.samandflobooks.org.nz/round-the-bend/english/index.html and write the information report in your writing book.


Writing Topic: Weekend New

Genre – Memoir    


Whole class Focus- Use time connectives.

Week 6:


Topic: My favourite sea creature

Genre Descriptive writing

Focus: Using full stops and capital letters at right place


Students can research about the creature on google before writing

Find examples on the white board


Writing topic: Sea Science 

Why should we look after our local beaches?

How can we become the kaitiaki of our sea?

Genre: Persuasive writing


Explore the concept of kaitiakitanga with students and encourage them to think of ways that they can become kaitiaki of local waterways. It is a time for all of us to get to know our ocean, its habitats, characteristics, and inhabitants better.


Today, we will write a recount on Water Fun Day. 

How to write a recount

    Please see  Writing recount guide 1 for Capable Writers

                         Writing recount guide 2 for Confident and Competent Writers

Week 5 

This week we will keep on focussing on descriptive writing.


Topic: Describe your favourite holiday destination.

Focus/LI: Organising our ideas in a logical way. 

Plan your essay (teacher will brainstorm with whole class that will give you some ideas)

Example essay 1 :


My Favourite Holiday Destination

We all need a break from our busy everyday life to relax and rejuvenate. My favourite destination is Disneyland Tokyo which is in Japan because I always wanted to go there when I was a child. I used to imagine myself enjoying big rides and different foods there. 

I would go there with my family which includes my 2 daughters, my son, my husband and my younger brother because I wouldn’t be able to enjoy my holiday without them. Moreover, I love spending time with my family and love sharing special moments of my life with them.

I would go on the biggest slide, water park and roller coaster because I am an adventurous person and I love taking risks.I would enjoy new experiences in the form of rides, food and seeing different places because I love travelling to new places and learning new things about people’s cultures. 

Example 2

My favourite holiday destination is the beach. A holiday on the beach gives me the chance to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Like many others, I long to hear the sounds of the waves crashing on the beach and feel the soft golden yellow sand under my feet. I simply love the beach!

My favourite beach resort is Batu Ferringhi. The scene on Batu Ferringhi beach is something I would love to capture on paper one day. I can see many activities going on in the sea and on the white sandy beach. There are people taking walks, or having picnics under shady trees, children are collecting seashells on the beach and some are building sandcastles. Regardless of what they are doing, everyone looks relaxed and in high spirits.

For some of them, there is nothing more relaxing than to close their eyes and sunbathe. They just lie in a deckchair, read a book or listen to the radio. Some just want to do nothing. In the clear blue sea, many exciting activities take place. There are people rowing canoes, swimming and fishing. The more adventurous would sea-dive or surf. Along the shoreline, mothers play in the water with their little children.

The beach is the most crowded in the evening when the sun is setting. As one stands on the shoreline, one can see the horizon and sunset. It is really such a beautiful sight. At night, it is common to see beach parties or barbecues full of happy people. They are dancing, singing and eating, all at the same time.

The beach is one place I can't seem to get enough of. To me, it is the best place to retreat to after the hectic life in the city. It is there I get my piece of mind and rejuvenation.




Guided Teaching – Descriptive Writing


 Describe your future dream house

As part of the answer describe the following:

Look at these exemplars below:

Sample Answer One 

In life, everyone wishes to own a dream car or house. Some people want to own a massive luxurious house but when it comes to me, I want to have a two-bedroom apartment. It would be a cozy wooden cottage with vintage interiors and colorfully painted doors.

Being a mountain enthusiast, I want my dream house to be located somewhere on the top of a hill secluded from the mundane life. The front garden will be filled with all my favorite flowers like daisies, lilies and tulips and a couple of swings for evening or morning tea. Whereas the backyard will include a personal kitchen garden with organic veggies.

Well, the type of amenities I want there is a balcony with a scenic view where I would be spending most of my time. The other facility which is a bit extraordinary is a Jacuzzi with built-in television. This would be my second most preferred amenity. The other section which I would love to have is a game section with all my favorite classic arcade games.

This house would definitely be my dream house where I want to live with all my close and loved ones sometime in the future. I am hopeful that a house such as this would provide me with opportunities for solitude and to indulge in my favorite pass time: exercise and walking in the mountains early morning.

Sample Answer Two – Describe Your Dream House 

Everyone has a dream house in mind where they want to live in and I am no different in that regard. The dream house I want to live in would be a two-story simple house in the middle of my farm surrounded by trees and agricultural land. 


I grew up on a farm and it instilled in me an appreciation for nature which I continue to have to this day. The house I want would have four bedrooms, a living room, and a spacious modern style kitchen. In the backyard, I would like to plant flowers and have an English garden. I would also like to plant seasonal vegetables and fruits as I prefer organic food over market produce. 


I want a simple house lacking ostentation. However, there are things that I would want no matter what. For example, I would like a dishwasher as I don’t like doing dishes. Also, every room in the house should get sunshine every day, especially my bedroom and living room. Another facility I want is an open bar in the basement where I can entertain friends and guests as I am a very outgoing person. 


I want my dream house in the middle of the farm because I grew up there and have an emotional connection to the land, people, and community. Also, living there made me realize the importance of living in harmony with nature for a sustainable future. 


In conclusion, my dream house would be one home with four bedrooms in the middle of the farm I grew up in. I prefer that location because I have a deep emotional connection to the land and community there. I also feel that having a house on the farm would be easier to maintain, and at an affordable price. Another major benefit of this dream house would be that I will be able to harvest vegetables and other products from the land itself. And hopefully, that reduces my monthly grocery bill.

Week 4 Writing


Writing Topic – Weekend Recount

Genre – Memoir    

Demonstration - .

Whole class Focus- hooking the reader in/starting in an interesting way.


Writing Topic: Picture Prompt

Genre –Descriptive Writing

Demonstration: Discuss the planning for writing and how to start writing in an interesting way

Send students off to work independently and call the focus group over to work with the teacher.

Focus: adjectives and figurative language


Writing Topic: UFO 

Genre -  Descriptive Writing

Demonstration: Discuss the brainstorm together and

send students off to work independently and call the focus group over to work with the teacher.

Focus: Descritive words


Topic: Spring 

Picture Prompt:

Genre: Descriptive Writing

Discuss the picture with students and come up with figurative language and adjectives to describe the picture. 

Week 3


Writing Topic – Weekend Recount

Genre – Memoir    

Demonstration - .

Whole class Focus- hooking the reader in/starting in an interesting way.


Writing Topic: Floods in Auckland 

Genre –Memoir

Demonstration: Discuss the planning for writing and how to start writing in an interesting way

Send students off to work independently and call the focus group over to work with the teacher.

Focus: Using Capital letters at the beginning of a new sentence and names of places and people.


Writing Topic: Cyclone Gabrielle

Genre -  Descriptive 


Send students off to work independently and call the focus group over to work with the teacher.

Focus: Using adjectives to describe the events associated with the cyclone.

WEEK 2 Writing Tasks


Monday: Holiday recount

Tuesday: What do you know about waitangi day?

Wednesday: What do you want to learn about waitangi day? 

Thursday: What do you know about Waitangi day now?

Friday: Complete your writing about Waitangi day.