Staff Maker

WEaring your own designs proudly

Staff Maker Activity at Maker Fiesta 2020 (April)

This was a new initiative led by the Maker Fiesta in-charge, Ms Cheryl Teo and Ms Elaine Lew, where they introduced Maker Fiesta to staff (teaching and non-teaching staff), allowing the staff not just pupils to enjoy the joy in making.

  • Staff to bring used/new t-shirt or cloth bag with their own digital design

  • Print it using the heat transfer machine

You deserve it freebie_1.mp4

Staff Maker Challenge

Organised by SWB and ALP/Maker Ed Team


  1. Instill spirit of 'making' in staff

  2. Keep the joy of learning alive

  3. build relationships and trust among staff

  4. Create an environment which promotes innovation culture and creative thinkers

Our Inaugural Staff Maker Challenge

Westwoodians may login to your SLS, look for [Making@Home] Shadow Play SLS lesson and try making your shadow masterpiece today!

The Shadow Masterpieces by the staff