Year 1 


WUSD_CPSEL_Self_Assesment (1).docx
[Template] Professional_Experience_Current_Work_Context__Superevisor_Triad_Summary (1)


The Individual Leadership Plan (ILP)is the Candidate's roadmap toward competency and mastery of the California Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (CPSEL). The ILP articulates each candidate's actions and outcomes toward meeting each of the six CPSEL goals over the two-year Induction term.

Admin_ILP_YEAR_I (1).docx
Individual_Leadership_Plan_Goal_Setting_Guide (1).docx

Professional Learning 

The Westside Union School District is proud to partner with the Association of California School Administrators (ACSA) in providing our Leadership Coaches with  professional development through  Leadership Coaching  (ALC)and the California Network of School Leadership Coaches ( CNET) trainings.

WUSD Leadership Coaches maintain training expectations parallel to those required within ACSA Induction programs, and our coaches are deemed "Certified " after two years of CNET training and WUSD Admin Leadership coaching training and experience.

As an independent LEA Credentialing program, WUSD also utilizes the wide offerings of ACSA Academy choices as first considerations for Candidate professional development toward the 20 hour goal, as specified within our program's CTC-approved standards.

The purpose of Professional Development for Induction Candidates is to extend a Candidate's knowledge, skills, and competencies in the California Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (CPSEL). Through coaching sessions, the Candidate and Coach collaborate to determine and select professional development opportunities that support the Candidate's Individual Leadership Goa (ILP)l and action steps.

Induction Candidates are required to complete a minimum of 20 hours per year of professional development. 

Transitional Administrators are not required to complete a prescribed number of hours, but together with their Coach, should consider what training is necessary for support of the ILP goal and/or current needs of the Transitional Administrator.

WUSD's  Administrative Induction and Support Program professional development offerings address the needs common to new administrators and they are differentiated and flexible. The professional development learning opportunities are to be outlined in the candidate's Individual Leadership Plan (ILP). Professional development options may include:

● Attendance at trainings, workshops, webinars, employer professional development, seminars or conferences

● Visitations to schools, districts or programs

● Participation in a book study group

● Enrollment in graduate courses

● Job shadowing of another administrator

● Participation and review of online webinars or resources 

Each candidate is required to complete 20 hours of professional development.  This could include book studies, conferences, webinar, or research.  These 20 hours must be documented and submitted to the program director by 6/2.  

PD_Log (3).docx
Professional_Development_Summary_and_PD_Quality_Review (5).docx

Collaborative Summaries

The Collaborative Summary is the mentoring pairs reflection of the previous month's collaborations. It serves to memorialize the collaborative work being conducted by the Candidate and communicate to the program that a Candidate is on track with Induction Expectations.

Prior to submitted the document, mentor teams review the information for accuracy and to seek clarity when needed. The signature and submission of the Candidate is their verification and agreement that both the coaching hours information logged, and the content of the summary, is accurate.

Upon receipt of the Collaborative Summary, the Program Coordinator/Director provides formative feedback to the Coach/Candidate regarding submitted information.

The Final Collaborative Summary includes the Coach's assessment of Candidate competency and communicates whether a Candidate has met or exemplified the CPSEL standards prescribed in the ILP, according to DOP Rubrics.


Year End ILP Summaries 

 The ILP summary allows the Candidate to reflect and report upon the overall growth and accomplishment of the year's ILP goal activity, proving Candidate competency, per CPSEL/DOP rubrics. One summary should be completed for each CPSEL for a total of 3 per year. 

Individual_Leadership_Plan_Year-end_Narrative_Summary (1).docx