Resources for Participants

Would you like to tell folks about what you've done on a project but need some ideas on how to write that up?

Check out these fantastic handouts. The first includes explanations on what sources are and how they might carry different weight. It gives an example of how you might write up documentation and how to give credit to any intellectual material you used in learning about your project.

The second delineates between research and documentation and gives you a framework for turning the former in to the later.

The third talks about a project journal. It provides a useful frame work for creating displays, especially work in progress displays.

The fourth contains links to many helpful documentation handouts as well as the author's own format.

Want to up your Display Game beyond the basics?

The Barony of Madrone has several in depth tutorials developed for their VIRTUAL Display event - Athenaeum

There is a FB group loaded with examples and hints on how to display both in person and online

But what if I don't DO one of the three C's....Cooking, Costuming, Calligraphy/Illumination?

Check out the quick and dirty handout below. It also includes some general layout hints for Virtual displays.

How do I become more scholarly in my approach to art and material culture both as a creator and a commenter?

Lord Cas comes from an archeology background and shares his frame work for evaluating objects below. It also includes helpful information on providing better critique. There is promise of a youtube video in the future, but for now we have the class transcript.

What if I agreed to be a commenter and now I don't know where to start?

Check out the class below. It is an in depth exploration of the topic geared at helping you give concrete advice hopefully in a way that you can be heard and can help people improve.

Class on "Giving Critique" presented by Lady Christeanne at the West Kingdom Service Symposium in 2021

If I ask for constructive comments, how do I use them to improve?

Good comments is only half the battle. Artists who seek to improve, need to learn to take feedback in a way that allows them to internalize the suggestions with out become defensive. Watch the video below for some suggestions on who to do that.

Class on "Accepting Critique" presented by Lady Christeanne at the West Kingdom Service Symposium in 2021

Paralyzed looking at the blank page and need somewhere to start?

Maybe the lab report style template below will give you some ideas. Fill it out for your project and you will get an email of what you wrote. Remember documentation is optional, but it really helps folks to appreciate what you are showing them.