Queen Jitka's Artifex Apotheca 2022

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The Team at Apotheca would like to thank:

  • Queen Jitka for Her inspiration and support of the various Arts and Sciences.

  • The 46 individual commenters that generated 560 comments to pass along to our artists.

  • The Photographers without whom we could not share our work. We will keep the list of contributors here as best we are able. If you see a photo of yours on this site and you aren't on this list, please let us know so we can add you or remove the picture. Whichever you prefer.

        • Compass Star Photography, Travis Abe Thomas, Lady Kitta Refr, Abraham Greene, Miranda Bee

  • All who gave input when we were developing this event concept:

          • Lady Christeanne, Magistra Christel, THL Agnes, Baron Luigi, Lady Jocelyn, Lady Toka, Lady Michelle, Viscountess Gwen, Baron Gwyn, Lord Abrahe, Mistress Anna, Master Lash, His Majesty Miles, Sir Heinrich, Viscountess Ysolde, Lady Haley

  • Alexandra for research assistance and translation.