Finding Resources

Video tutorials are a popular means for delivering remote instruction. There is no shortage of digital content on the Web. Half the battle is finding quality resources that you can integrate into your instruction.


In this module you will be learning about a variety of web-based tools that can help you curate digital content to deliver to your students for "homework".


  • Search and gather resources from YouTube EDU, Khan Academy, TedEd, and MIT+K12
  • Evaluate the quality and efficacy of web-based digital content

Student Responsibilities: Please review the linked resources below and complete the tasks on Google Classroom.


    • Explore the links to each of the video resources above and evaluate the content contained on each site

Discuss: Complete the following on Google Classroom.

    • Share the link to at least one video from any of the featured video resource sites listed that you might use in your classroom
    • Evaluate the quality of the content posted on the video resource sites in general and explain how you might use them in your teaching
    • Feel free to comment on at least one other student's note

Link to Google Classroom