Building a Web Presence

There are several benefits in creating and maintaining a Web Presence. First and foremost, it allows teachers to share digital content with students for 24/7 availability. Further, teachers can set-up interactive experiences for students to collaborate and communicate both synchronously and asynchronously.

This course leverages two ed-tech tools, Google Sites and Edmodo. Google Sites allows me to share content and provide a structure to students' learning experiences. Edmodo allows me to set up an interactive space where ideas are exchanged. There are many options for establishing a Web Presence. You are welcome to use Edmodo, Google Classroom, or some other alternatives like Schoology, Blackboard, Canvas, Haiku, etc.


In this module you will learn how to build a web presence using Edmodo to communicate and collaborate with students.


  • Create a web presence using your preferred platform (Edmodo, Google Classroom, other)
  • Understand the basic functionality of your preferred platform
  • Evaluate your preferred platform as a learning management tool

Student Responsibilities: Please review the linked resources below and complete the tasks on Google Classroom.


    • Select a platform to establish your web presence (i.e. Edmodo, Google Classroom, other). Once you have set-up your account for Edmodo, Google Classroom, or some other platform, complete the following:
      • Edmodo Users
        • Share a "Note" to your Edmodo feed (feel free to attach a file or a link to your note)
        • Add a file(s) to your Library
        • Create an Assignment using the file(s) you placed in your Library
        • Create a 3 - 5 question Quiz based on the content you added to your Library
        • Create a Poll
      • Google Classroom Users
        • Share an "Announcement" to your Classroom stream (feel free to attach a file or a link to your announcement)
        • Add materials to your About page
        • Create an Assignment and attach a file from Google Drive--make a copy for each student to edit and turn in.
        • Create a 3 - 5 question Google Form and turn it in to a quiz.
        • Create an "Ask a Question" assignment and direct students to reply to one another's posts.

Discuss: Complete the following on Google Classroom.

    • Share your group code and invite your colleagues to join your Edmodo group or Google Classroom.
    • Critique your preferred platform as a learning management tool and describe how it might be used to support your instructional goals
    • Feel free to comment on at least one other student's note

Link to Google Classroom