Creating Your Own Resources

Teacher-created video has the potential to deliver instruction to students for 24/7 viewing. This concept, popularly known as "Screencasting", is the centerpiece of the Flipped Classroom approach to teaching and learning, whereby teachers deliver course content via digital media for homework, allowing time to facilitate classroom activities that foster higher level thinking and differentiated instruction during class time.


In this module you will learn how to create your own video tutorials, also known as screencasts, to deliver custom digital content to your students for "homework".


  • Learn how to create custom screencasts to teach students a skill and/or content
  • Analyze the pros and cons of creating custom content
  • Evaluate various screencasting tools

Student Responsibilities: Please review the linked resources below and complete the tasks on Google Classroom.


    • Explore the links to each of the above screencasting resources and select your tool of choice to create your own screencast (My favorite is Screencastify as it works on a Chromebook).

Discuss: Complete the following on Google Classroom.

    • Share a link to your screencast and share your thoughts about screencasting:
    • Analyze the pros and cons of creating custom tutorials
    • Evaluate the various screencasting tools
    • Discuss how you would use these tools in your teaching
    • Feel free to comment on at least one other student's note

Link to Google Classroom